Class Load

<p>I am currently a junior and just registered for my senior classes. I'm not sure if i made the right decisions or not.
My senior schedule is:
AP Chem
AP LA 12
AP Calc
AP American Gov
Elective - Marketing</p>

<p>I am foregoing taking physics and just taking AP Chem because i am in Chem honors this year. I am however not that interested in chemistry and got a B in chem Honors this semester. I also could have signed up for AP Spanish but my schedule is just to full. I don't know if it is necessary to take four years of language.
What should i do? Should i just take AP Chem, take physics instead, or somehow fit in AP Spanish? I am also wondering if my schedule is too difficult, especially since it is my senior year.</p>

<p>Thanx for the help, my hs counselor didn't really answer my questions</p>