Class not listed in UC doorways?


<p>There’s a problem here. Our school offered Economics AP for the first time this year, and I’m currently in it. However, on the UC transcript, it only shows Economics AP as being one semester long even though I will take it for two. It also shows that it is not designated as UC-approved honors. I thought AP courses automatically received honors designation? Today, I checked on the doorways website and Economics AP isn’t even listed on there as one of the courses offered at our school.</p>

<p>Could somebody give me some insight on this situation?</p>


<p>Call your Guidance Counselor. We can't answer questions that specific.</p>

<p>Dunno ~</p>

<p>Econ is really two ap classes (and tests) - Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. try looking them up.</p>

<p>Perhaps you school did not review the new courses for UC approval. This process should be done every year. I would check with your school to make sure it gets submitted for review if it hasn't already been done.</p>