<p>Because...there was another one..but I can't find it.
SOOO I thought we should start a new one, since you know, we're gonna be seniors and all next year and there's a lot going on so this could be the place where we just rant about everything that's going on and discuss random things. </p>
<p>Please join the fun?</p>
<p>I'll stop making everything a question if you do? </p>
<p>Hah. But no, really. We need a thread just for us upcoming seniors. Agreed?</p>
<p>That was the last question mark I'll use in this. Promise.</p>
<p>Yay for Class of 2010! I’m excited/ nervous/ not looking forward to/ can’t wait for senior year.
First discussion topic: DUCKS. Because they’re awesome.</p>
<p>YEP that’s pretty much how I feel about senior year. Except despite all the craziness, stress that comes with it, I’m really looking forward to it. I can’t wait. </p>
<p>Ducks. have…weird feet. and…there are some really ugly looking ones.
But it’s really just their feet that bugs me a lot. They’re just …awkward looking. You know?</p>
<p>Yay for 2010!
I kinda don’t know how I feel about the upcoming senior year thing either.
On the one hand, I can’t wait for college, but on the other, I’m really not wanting to “grow up”. Plus, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I really enjoy my high school. Not the whole, going to school thing, but the people and the atmosphere.</p>
<p>Totally cannot wait till 2010!!
High school’s become lame and unexciting.
Same people, same place…
Can’t wait till the summer after where my friends and I are going on a road trip and I don’t need to worry anymore about SAT stuff and colleges.
I feel like college will offer new environment, different friends, and more freedom to live my life and learn :)</p>
<p>Yeah, I’ve decided I really like my high school too. It’s quite fun, besides the whole school part. I love the people…I’m gonna miss it.</p>
<p>But at the same time, I feel like I’m totally ready for a change! And all the other cool things that come with college (new laptop, new phone, credit card. i’m totally going shopping every single day the summer before college. yesss.)</p>
<p>Why did the discussion on ducks stop?</p>
<p>Lets make this the busiest thread on this board k? Good.</p>
<p>i went deaf. i lost a lot of my friends. life sucks =(</p>
<p>but anyway, not to sound like a drag on here, i gues i can’t wait for senior year…im taking some fun courses although it probably won’t be fun since noone wants me in groups cuz they think i never talk or do anything…o well</p>
<p>When I go back to school (Spring Break!) it will officially be 4th quarter. It would have happened a while ago, but our quarter was extended because we had 5 snowdays, 4 of which were in a row.
About ducks, my mother used to have a pet duck named Quacky. It was violent.</p>
<p>Yeah I wanna know…post 10–did you really go deaf…?</p>
<p>Ohh I know, our Spring Break ends at the end of this week and it’ll be 4th quarter for us too. Thank goodness. 3rd quarter always drags on foreverrrr!! </p>
<p>4th quarter goes by really really fast. Which is def. a good thing (except for the whole not-ready-for-AP-exam thing) but we had a ton of snow/ice days this year…5 i think? so we’ll be out a little late this year.</p>
<p>When are yall getting out? I think we get out like the first week of June? </p>