<p>Tonight my daughter is packing as we prepare to start our journey tomorrow. We have a 12 hour drive so we are going to Ohio than to ND on Thursday. This week we watched a video of her at age two singing the fight song with her siblings and in my head I have relived a lot of memories. She is my youngest of five and I am a little sad that the time has come for my role as her Mom to change from hands on to consulting. I can't think of a better place to be leaving her this week than ND .Wshhen I think of all the other schools she applied to even those 2 hours from home I know she is in the best place for her, under the care and love of Our Lady. I want to thank all of you for the support you have given us this year. I wish we could all meet. We will be stayng at the Morris Inn for the weekend if you have time stop by for a drink. I wish you and your children a safe and happy school year. This next week sure will be a whirlwind of activities for them. I will light a candle at the Grotto in Thanksgiving for my CC friends and the class of 2011. Go Irish!</p>
<p>I got a letter today from the P-Dub ladies asking me to write a letter to my D. and drop it off there on Friday--they will distribute the letters after the parents leave. I spent the evening going through old pictures and composing a letter for her. It's especially hard as the person who would be most touched and proud that she chose ND was her grandfather, who passed away two years ago. I can imagine his reaction and it's so sad that she can't see how he would be beyond pride at his grandDAUGHTER attending ND--when his kids were college age it was men only and her dad was one who could not WAIT to get out of Catholic education and opted for a UC. It is bittersweet for me--her dad passed away five years ago and I wish he could see what a an amazing young woman his daughter has grown to be. I'll be lighting candles for dad and grandpa this weekend. </p>
<p>I would love to join you at the Morris Inn sometime Friday or Saturday evening as I'm sure they won't want us anywhere near them during the social activities! We are leaving Thursday afternoon--PM me before then if you want to make plans.</p>
<p>I'm a late comer to this list but as my husband and I are in the process of packing to fly with my eldest son of 4 to ND tomorrow, (we're giving ourselves an extra day to do errands before we move him in), I wanted to express my best wishes to you and yours. It's good to know that we're not alone in dealing with sending a child off. He's the first in our family to attend Notre Dame. My father is the son of Italian immigrants and it meant a great deal to him to have a grandson attending ND. I only hope my son takes advantage of everything ND has to offer. I also hope I handle leaving him there with some dignity, for his sake as well as my own. Mombot, my prayers for you and for those you've lost.</p>
<p>Good luck to your daughter! If I was a parent I would like no other place to send my daughter/son to then Notre Dame. You know she will grow as a scholar and more importantly, a person. I'm sorry that you are " letting go" your last child, but I hope you realize what she is about to experience.</p>
<p>I hope you have a great time at the Morris Inn ( one of my favorite places on this planet) and I hope your move-in is successful and stress-free.</p>
<p>Tell your daughter good luck from me, and make sure to remind her how lucky she is ( and how many kids who like to be in here place) to be going to The University of Notre Dame.</p>
<p>Good Luck</p>
<p>KR, I read your message tonight and am so filled with the same thoughts. We will be bringing our oldest of four to ND on Friday. I truly can not believe where the time has gone. I know in my heart and in every way that she is off to a great adventure at the most special of places, but it is still hard at times! There truly is no place like Notre Dame, and we are so blessed to have our children there. It is a family. We were at a recent Chicago club "send off" and the priest there said that "you don't go to Notre Dame for 4 years, you go to Notre Dame for life". He is so right! All the best to ALL the CCers. It has been a tremendous year, posting and praying with you all. I too will light a candle for our dear class of 2011. Go Irish!</p>
<p>Aw, thanks 4mom4...grampa Lou was also the son of Italian immigrants and grew up on the prairies and I know he knows DD made it to ND, but selfishly I'd love to have been able to see his reaction when he heard that's where his first and only grandddaughter was headed. As far as he was concerned the sun rose and set on her and this would be further proof.</p>