Class of 2016- Do I have a chance?

<p>As a junior, I want to know if I’m on the right track. I know I need to retake the ACT and take the SAT’s but is there any other flaws?</p>

<p>Basic Info:
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Black
State: NY (Long Island)
School: Public/ URM- 6 blacks in my school at most.
9th- 3.9 UW
10th- 4.0 UW
11th- 3.5 UW for 1st quarter
(I know 3.5 is bad but 2nd quarter I’ve been acing so I’m expecting at least a 3.8 by the end of the year plus IB weighting)</p>

<p>IB Grades are multiplied by 1.1 for weighting btw</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Single Sitting: Not taken yet
SAT Reasoning Superscore: Not taken yet
SAT IIs:Not taken yet
ACT- 26 took it in 10th grade w/o studying. Taking it again in April
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank</p>

<p>Course Load:
All honors 9th and 10th with AP World in 10th. IB Diploma Candidate for the next two years.</p>

<p>Junior Course load:
IB Math SL
IB Environmental Systems & Societies SL
IB English HL
IB History of the Americas HL
IB Spanish SL
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Biology HL</p>

<p>It’s pretty much the same for my senior year as well.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (by the end of Grade 12 year):</p>

<p>Over 50 hours of Volunteer Work at my local hospital
Co-President of AIDS Awareness Committee since Sophomore Year
Along with IB Environmental Class, helped raise over $500 in two weeks for Conservation Program in Ethiopia
Captain of JV and Varsity Field Hockey
Section VIII All-League Player (Field Hockey)
Senior Advisor of a Teen Council at my local library since Freshman Year
Second Violinist in Chamber Orchestra
National Honor Society Member
National Foreign Language Honor Society Member
Planning to follow an OB/GYN this summer for 2 weeks.</p>

<p>My intended major is Biology/Pre-Med</p>

<p>SATs/ACTs are the key, that and your grades. But why AU for biology/pre-med? The campus is filled with International Service, Poli Sci, Communication and a few Business majors… AU is not known for the sciences.</p>

<p>Wow… that’s pretty great!</p>

<p>To tell you the truth, I went to DC for my birthday and it was amazing. It’s more of the city than anything else.</p>

<p>AU doesn’t have a great pre-med/science majors. If you really want to go to DC then Georgetown and George Washington are probably the best for you! :D</p>

<p>I don’t know if I have enough to get into Georgetown, but I’ll definitely think about George Washington. Thanks</p>

<p>I just got in a few weeks ago for the class of 2015, and I definitely did not have as good as stats as you, you shouldn’t have a problem. Definitely check out the other DC schools, I agree it is a great area, I personally love AU. I know of a couple people going here for biology and such, so I wouldn’t rule it out because others say they don’t have good programs. AU is just known for there School on International Service and Political Science program, since it is in DC. But tons of people go for other majors. If its your top choice, apply early decision next year, I can’t imagine having to wait until mid March when the RD find out.
Good Luck and just keep working hard!</p>

<p>GW is a great school too. It’s urban though so I’m not sure if you want an “original college experience” but it’s a very good school (class of 2015!). They have very good science programs too (from what I’ve heard, and very good forensics program too).</p>

<p>Thanks for the tips!</p>

<p>If you’re interested in AU, you should check it out fully–I’d hate to lose out on a good student just because of College Confidential opinions. No doubt that pre-med is not immensely popular, but it does attract strong students…see this article that is, in part, about an AU student-athlete pre-med major: [For</a> Three Scholar-Athletes of the Year, Achievement Comes in Many Arenas | American University Washington DC](<a href=“]For”></p>