***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

<p>Do you know if homeschool students are are treated separately as boarding schools, or are they compared to their home state scores?</p>

<p>ETA: Looking at the link you provided @texaspg, I’m assuming they are not treated separately…</p>

<p>Home school equals home state.</p>


<p>If the students are potential NMSF, can they wait to take the SAT in October? Or is that too late?</p>

<p>It is not late from past history. However, it is best to get it out of the way and having a good SAT score does help your application process and apps for scholarship.</p>

<p>How boarding schools work:</p>

<p>There are 4 regions:</p>

<p>New England/Mid Atlantic
East/West/North Central
South Atlantic and Central
Mountain Pacific and Southwest</p>

<p>In each of these regions, the cutoff is set at the highest cutoff for the states in that region.</p>

<p>Schools with at least 40% out of state students are included.</p>

<p>What was commended score last year? I think it was 203 in 2012. Does it differ from state to state? For some reason I was thinking it did not differ. Amazing what all I have forgotten since my 2012 kid went through this.</p>

<p>i got 223 and I’m in NY. can someone check for me? or tell me where the cutoofss are?</p>

<p>Commended history, by “class of” year. Remember, this information will be available in April, so you will get a semi-preview of how the state cuts might move at that time. </p>

<p>2015 201 (last year)
2014 203
2013 200
2012 202
2011 201
2010 201
2009 200
2008 200
2007 203
2006 202
2005 202
2004 201</p>

<p>Thanks PAMom</p>

<p>Alpha 525
New York has been 218 or 219 for the last few years and the highest in the last 10 years is 221. I think you are pretty safe. It would take a 6 point jump from last year to eliminate you. Nice job kid!</p>

<p>Finally got the paper scores out here on the prairie. Jacob Brunson’s site missed it by 2 points. They said 209 and the actual was 207. Looks like he should be commended but the real deal is a bit out of reach. Still proud of him. He came up 11 from last year. </p>

<p>@brawny77 can you tell what was off about the Jacob’s link? Did you have form “S”? Do you think the difference was omissions? </p>

<p>D received score yesterday: selection index of 201 with corresponding percentile of 96. While we never expected NMSF, our SD has a lot of love for commended students (10 NMSFs and 24 commended in current Class of 2015).</p>

<p>Trying to hone in on expected commended cutoff for Class of 2016.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me what the percentile is for a selection index of 202?? Thanks!!</p>

<p>@3boystogo‌ – just reread your post. If your student got “one point higher than last years cutoff”, then your student got a selection index of 202. Can you share what percentile that was?</p>

<p>@Socks14 Selection Index was 212, not 202. One point higher than last year’s which was 211 in FL.</p>

<p>@Socks14 Post #57 on the below link will give you NMSF cutoffs for the last 9 years. Percentiles are not truly accurate as they are compared to last year’s test takers. In our state, the numbers have fluctuated 3 points up and down for the past 5 years.</p>

<p><a href=“***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores - #46 by brawny77 - National Merit Scholarships - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/national-merit-scholarships/1696275-class-of-2016-nmsf-nmf-qualifying-scores-p4.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Please post your PSAT scores here, to help keep my thread alive! :slight_smile: </p>

<p><a href=“Report your 2014 PSAT Score Here! (Juniors Only!) - #21 by meaa7130 - SAT Preparation - College Confidential Forums”>Report your 2014 PSAT Score Here! (Juniors Only!) - #21 by meaa7130 - SAT Preparation - College Confidential Forums;

<p>Just did, but…I followed this same post for the Class of 2015 for half the year. Have a theory re: commended cutoff, but just need to know Selection Index percentile for 202. Can you help?</p>

<p>Congrats to all who are flirting with NMSF, but that’s not us. Fingers crossed!!</p>

I have no idea why Jacobs site missed my sons by 2 points. I also am not sure what you mean by “form S” If that is the Saturday testing group then no …he took it on Wednesday. </p>

<p>I thought Jacobs was running S.</p>