***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Hi, if by chance we don’t make NMF, do applications need to be in by Nov 1st to get the better financial aid packages?

@Hope2acheive That depends on the college. Some colleges ONLY consider for merit aid if you apply by their early deadline. Some colleges automatically consider any time you apply, other colleges require additional applications, and still others may start admitting and offering merit aid until they “run out.” If you can apply early, it is usually best.

This is kind of a broad question compared to the specificity of some of the previous ones, but what value does National merit commendation have? It seems like semifinalist is such a greater honor.

some of these (commended) students may be candidates for Special Scholarships provided by corporate and business sponsors.



@mom2coIIegekids gives some info in post #9 at the link above. While there are some scholarships for Commended, you should focus on the GPA and SAT/ACT based scholarships offered by the same schools that offer the big NMSF scholarships. Alabama and Oklahoma still have very good scholarships for high stats kids for instance.

D has already been accepted at UE so now it’s just about finding out what kind is scholarship she can get. When are scholarships sent to the kids? And if they don’t get in a reach school, when will those “no’s” come?
Really hate this waiting game. Deep breathe it’s almost here.

I have asked our CC homeschoolers to help (“borrowing” the idea from @GoAskDad, who did so last year).


Based on advice in a PM, I posted on the home schooling website he stalked last year as well. And I use the word stalk with all the love my own stalking heart can muster.

“she” :slight_smile:

^^ Oh that’s right!

^^^ Lol, I thought the same thing for awhile - I thought GoAskDad was a well, dad. Good luck to all the class of 2016 possible NMSFs!

But according to the University of Tennessee you should no longer use gender specific pronouns anyway

I really think the PC thing has gone overboard!

^^^ You can just say “he or she.” I mean, even with the trans movement we haven’t come up with an alternate gender. People can apparently just switch now. But it’s still one or the other.

Just popping in to say good luck to you all here! This was a wild and fun ride last year. Hope you all get great news.

The are recommending using “ze” for everyone.

“They” is now often used as a gender-neutral singular pronoun

The word “They” is singular?

If you’re gonna go gender neutral, then I think people should have to put up with being called an “it”. Done.

I believe “They” is going to win as a singular, gender neutral pronoun. And if your English teacher doesn’t like it, they are just going to have to read up on descriptive linguistics.

Alright guys, can we cut this short right here? Not like this thread needs to get any more busy