***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

I copied message from last year. I changed it 202? but hopefully someone can confirm.

Yes, commended is 202 this year

Thanks, @texaspg for setting up the format.

We’ve got a lot of Florida hopefuls here. Right, @holayola, @chemistryye, and @Floridaboii ?

Any home schoolers in Florida monitoring this thread?

Anyone know what state the mail was sent to homeschoolers from? Kinda hoping to hear from New Yorkers soon–I say “kinda” because I doubt my etate’s cutoff will drop 2-3 points.

Dying to know what the cutoff is in FL!!! My daughter has a 216 fingers crossed!

To the homeschool person who got the letter, did it say ANYTHING about what the cutoff is besides that it is less than or equal to 210. Does anyone else know?

I was referring to the Michigan cutoff.

Sorry about that I am new to college confidential.

@ChemDude123 letters don’t give cutoffs. We have to infer them from the scores of people who get letters this year. That means there will be an iterative process – each new score report might indicate a lower cutoff if the score making NMSF is lower than the previous low. So with one data point, we know Michigan’s cutoff is 213 or lower. 210 was mentioned as a previous year cutoff and a prediction but we have no data for 210 this year. Sorry.

Thank you for your explanation, it’s nice to have a supportive blog.

@cityonanocean We do not really know where they mail it from. They are based in Illinois, so theoretically from there. Some companies use services that do bulk mail from other locations though.

You will never hear me say this any other time…I can’t wait 'til Monday!

Are there any Indiana homeschoolers on here?

Yeah, we knew we were pretty safe with a 213. Older missed it by one point for the class of 2014 when it went up that year, so this was nice. It will be lower that 213, but I thought I would let people know letters are going out at least. I can look when I get home to see where it was mailed from. And it didn’t say anything about the cutoff, just how to handle things as a homeschooler, a copy of our log in, etc.

It looks like the letters came from Illinois (Fox Valley mail processing center.)

I’m from UT. Over the past 7 years, our cutoff has ranged from 203 to 208, leaning increasingly towards the latter in recent years. I scored a 210. When I spoke with my GC yesterday, he seemed very certain that I would qualify and even had me talk to the GC in charge of scholarships about the rest of the process. However, the school hasn’t yet received official notification. I’m crossing my fingers. My heart goes out to all those who are riding the perilous and uncertain edge of the cutoff - good luck to all of us. If there happen to be any other Utahns out there, I would much appreciate you posting SF status when you find out.

What day do you think cutoffs will be announced at schools? Monday?

@holayola No, sorry, there are no official announcements of cutoffs. Just follow this discussion and watch us figure them out.

Good luck to the 2016 NM possibles! It is stressful at each stage, especially if your school isn’t up on all of it.

@angelami Thanks so much for posting about the mailing address. And most of all…Congratulations to your student! You are clearly a great teacher.