***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Looking at last year’s thread Florida score was narrowed down on September 4 which was the third day of the scores coming in. Looks like the first day something like 11 states were reported here, but at least one was way above the actual cut off. The second day was the biggest wave. I didn’t go through the whole thread but it looked like by day 4 there were still ten states where no one had reported a cutoff score here.

If you want an idea of when your state score was narrowed down last year you may want to look at that thread from September 2 to September 6.

@gettingschooled if I admitted how much time I spent doing just that it would be quite embarrassing… our school if one of those that insists we find out on sept. 10. we’re in Minnesota and D16 is 1 point above last year’s cutoff so we’re relying on CC for early word.

(If she makes the cut, eveything should be in place to advance. She is strongly considering some of the big NM award schools so the distinction would affect her plans.)

My S is also one point above last year’s Texas cutoff. At this point, his first choice does not give any merit for NMF but it would help for some special programs they have. His other two main choices give big merit for it. He set it as a goal a couple of years ago so now it is more about achieving the goal than the money for him.

I am sorry to hear about your school misunderstanding the letter. That is very irritating. I think our school will be more helpful since they have made having more Finalists a goal. Fingers crossed or it could be a long week.

Well, it’s Monday. Let’s hope we hear from families receiving their letters. Good luck everyone!

I am in Texas- my S had 217 which is a point below last year i think. I think his school will tell the kids as soon as they know- i will post if I hear. My S is one who will text me right away if he hears anything. His first choice schools don’t give anything but his safe schools do so we want to get some of those applications out if he is semifinalist. Good luck.

forgot to ask this- when will the national merit people tell over the phone what the cut off is? i thought I saw something about that in this thread a while back.

September 9th.

thanks- hopefully we will know before that.

@Hope2achieve Yes, it is Monday. Seems like the calm before the storm!

Our son said that in past years they have called all the NMSF to the office toward the end of the day. I would expect a little weeping and gnashing of teeth if some who were expecting to make it don’t. I think our son would be ok; it would make one of his choices cost a little more but it would still be the cheapest.

School doesn’t even start here in NY until August 8th :frowning:

@brendafly did you mean September?

OK, the suspense is getting to me! :slight_smile:

Oops! Yes I did! School starts here September 8th.

Strange that we had one person in Michigan get their letter on Saturday, but none so far today. Last year there had been several posts by this time on the first mailing day past the weekend of when the notices were mailed out.

back to work for me…

Ok, in going to email my D guidance counselor and see if he will tell me anything. He is relatively new so it’s like pulling teeth.

@Hope2achieve I may try that too. Our GC said sept 10 is the day but I may casually mention that “I heard” that’s the public release day and that parents and students can find out ahead of time. We are in Minneosta. Edit: just did it, and on the first day of school too. Hope she doesn’t hate me.

Ok, I sent my letter. Hope D isn’t too mad.
Now hope he can tell me something.

Happy that I’m not the only antsy parent. Hang in there, everybody!

A lot of seniors have an early dismissal at our school, so I am giving up hope for my S school for today. If I don’t hear in the next hour, I don’t think I will hear today.