***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

@starrynight20 - i am also- 217 is my S score. have you heard of anyone in texas hearing anything yet? i know a home schooler with a high score that has not heard yet. I wonder if they send out staggered and our state has not gone out with some of the others alrady hearing.

North Texas parent

I’m in Minnesota. I did see one school in Iowa post to Twitter that they have 14 – so someone got letters. I also heard back from my D16’s GC and she said she will not wait until Sept. 10 to tell families, so that’s good news. My D has a 216, one point above last year’s cutoff.

@tb2000 Haven’t heard of anything yet! And I don’t remember if my school announces during morning announcements if they have letters or anything because we only had 1 NMSF last year…but I do know they announce Commended…not that that’s what I’m worried about right now!

Parent waiting in Georgia for my daughter.

Any news for MA? Thanks! :smiley:

waiting in FL too! Constantly refreshing here too lol

Refreshing and waiting in TN! Thank you! This group has been such an encouragement and a really good hand holder during these anxious days.

No need to refresh if you change your settings to receive an email notification for this forum. Of course, that means lots of emails in the next couple of days, but it beats refreshing.

Good luck to all.

Waiting in TX too.

Cutoff 208 from principal in OK. And YES!!!, my D made it :-c !!!

Thank you so much for the predictive work you guys have done on this board. It has been VERY helpful.
Now, when can we find out what the essay subject is?

Congrats! See post 593 for the essay topic that has been used for several years.

Did your principal give your daughter her log in info? I would guess you can see it once she logs in?

What is the post # for the list of predictions for all states? Or just TN if I can be self-serving. :wink:

No, said she would give it to them in a week or so. What craziness!


Just to be clear, are you saying that the OK cutoff is 208? For a principal to know this, I think the school would need to have a student with a 207 score and another with a 208 so that s/he would be able to see that 207 doesn’t make it and 208 does.

Or are you saying that a 208 makes it and the actual cutoff could be less?

@bmolloy97 see post number 193

OK was 206 last year so for the cut to be 208 this year would be a two point jump.

P said 208 was the cutoff. No specifics of how they knew.

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