***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

I have it bookmarked but still am not receiving emails re updates or new posts. :frowning:

@Charlie295 Thank you. I will take the 208 cutoff score as face value.

As @3scoutsmom stated, it would be a 2 point jump. However, it is a small population state and the goodness of fit was low for the Oklahoma linear regression. The model was off by 1.8 points for the 2012 score of 210 and it appears to be off that much for this year’s score. Even though being off that much again shouldn’t have been too surprising, it was a bit surprising to me since the numbers looked a bit weaker than last year for the 75-80 range.

But the commended score did go up by 1 this year and I noticed that the 70-74 scores ballooned higher this year and that would matter more for the lower cutoff states. So, to some degree that makes some sense.

So, a higher than expected OK cutoff score is only mildly disconcerting to this TX parent.

@fbhsmom you have to change your preferences in your profile settings. You can select to be notified by email or by popup.

Has anyone heard about the cut off for alabama?

@gettingschooled Thank you very much. We are waiting in TN with a 221. Hoping to celebrate soon, but REALLY want to see it in writing. :slight_smile:

@bmolloy97 At 221 for TN, that is well ahead of last year’s cutoff. See last year’s levels below:

Qualifying Scores for the Class of 2015 National Merit Semifinalists:

Alabama 207
Alaska 210
Arizona 213
Arkansas 206

California 222
Colorado 213
Connecticut 220

Delaware 215
District of Columbia 224
Florida 211
Georgia 215
Hawaii 214

Idaho 211
Illinois 215
Indiana 212
Iowa 207
Kansas 213
Kentucky 210

Louisiana 208
Maine 212
Maryland 221
Massachusetts 223
Michigan 210
Minnesota 215
Mississippi 207
Missouri 209
Montana 206

Nebraska 209
Nevada 208
New Hampshire 212
New Jersey 224
New Mexico 210
New York 218
North Carolina 212
North Dakota 201

Ohio 213
Oklahoma 206
Oregon 217
Pennsylvania 216
Rhode Island 212
South Carolina 209
South Dakota 203

Tennessee 212
Texas 218
Utah 208
Vermont 213
Virginia 219
Washington 219
West Virginia 201
Wisconsin 208
Wyoming 204

Commended 201 (National Cutoff)
Outside United States 224
U.S. Territories 201

So nice to read all of these posts. My sons scored 219 and 223 in Michigan but school doesn’t start until the 8th. I want to talk about this with other parents but it’s hard without sounding like I’m bragging. To have twins that are going to get scholarships is so wonderful - you all understand!!! We toured most of the universities that offer the Merit Finalist scholarships - now we’re just waiting for the official word.

@April2016 congrats on your Fab 2.

I think I refresh at least every 15 minutes. I am in Mississippi and my son has a 208, last year’s cutoff was 207. Not sure if the school will notify him as soon as they get something or wait until the 9th. He is a student worker in the office so I told him to be sure to remind the principal and counselors that if he made it they should hear something soon. In the mean time I wait and I think I am more concerned about it than he is.

@futbolfather I’m in Mississippi waiting also. I’ll let you know as soon as I do if you will do the same :)!

I read this online, does this mean those 50K students with high junior year PSAT scores should have been contacted and asked to choose two colleges back in April? I know of no such action in our New York schools. Anyone?

In April of the junior year, a total of 50,000 high scorers from the
PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index (math, critical reading and writing)
will be contacted to determine qualification for program recognition.

Qualification means the following: a full-time high school student, a junior
in high school, and a citizen of the United States. Student who do not meet
these qualifications will have an asterisk by their score. For example: a
sophomore or a non U.S. Citizen will not qualify. Among the 50,000, only
students who will be commended or national merit semifinalists will be
invited to name two colleges for the competition. Other students in this
group will be able to name two colleges through the College Plans
Reporting Service. Their information will be sent to the colleges but these
students will not compete for scholarships. The selectivity number for

commended students will not be revealed at this time.

@nycuws they don’t do that any more

We knew that our daughter was above the Indiana cutoff with her 218, but things go through your mind like what if there was something missed somewhere administratively
especially since she is at a small intercity school and she may be their first ever NM scholar
well we got word today that the school has received her letter. Woohoo!

That process changed two years ago. Here is what it says for PSAT 2014 (class of 2016):

“In April of 2015, NMSC will ask high school principals to identify any errors or changes in the reported eligibility of their high scorers (students whose scores qualify them for recognition).”

See page 4 of this student guide for process this year: http://www.nationalmerit.org/student_guide.pdf

Congrats to all who have been notified!

Good luck to those who have not!

@4kids2graduate I wonder if these principals of the 50K have the permission to notify their students. (back in April)

Chiming in from last year. Our school might have notified us in April, but I was proactive and asked them in that general time frame, and they did confirm. Basically the letter asked the school to verify those kids (commended+) were still enrolled, and that their names were spelled correctly, nothing more. But I did breathe a bit easier having that hurdle cleared.

I’m glad that there are other parents with kids that are well over their states historic cutoff following this thread too. D has a score that would make it in any state and goes to a school that is used to National Merit kids but still I worry. I also want to cheer on all those that are “on the bubble” I hope today is the day we all get good news!

I know this isn’t helpful but just got an email from School Counselor in NY that my D made it with a 224 :slight_smile: Glad to have the official word!

Updating OK based on @Charlie295 's report

AL=? (post #?, per GC/NMSC/HSL (homeschool letter)/other)
CA= <=223 (post #726) letter to principal
KY=<=217 (post 707)
MI= <= 213 (post 648 HSL)
NY= <= 219 (post #714 student report)
OK=208 (post #750) cutoff informed by principal
PA =?

Commended (national cutoff) = 202?