***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

<p>Maybe that’s why it was off on my son’s
I don’t remember if I ran the conversion. I probably did not.</p>

<p>Yes, Jacob’s link used the curve for Saturday’s test (form S) if you took it on Wednesday that would account for the difference. </p>

<p>Good to know that it still looks accurate for form S as I’m not sure I’m ever going to get a score report from D’s school. They had it up on the school’s GC calendar to release scores today. I went to get D’s and was told the scores “didn’t exist” <insert eye="" roll=""> which was later termed to mean they were “in transit” with no ETA, next week are finals and even if they do get to the school I was told they can’t give them out during finals, why I have no idea, and then it’s Christmas break…frustrating!</insert></p>

<p>DS’ official score was 211. On Math, one of his incorrect responses was open response, so didn’t count against him. Glad his score went up, but now I’m afraid he will <em>just</em> miss the GA cutoff. I think that would be painful - all the “if only’s”…</p>

<p>got a 214 (76 m 65 cr 73 wr) in PA
came up 44 points from 170 last year…so very proud of myself</p>

<p>but idk if i will make the nmsf
in PA the cutoff has been this</p>

<p>class of 2015: 216
class of 2014: 217
class of 2013: 214
class of 2012: 215
class of 2011: 216
class of 2010: 214</p>

<p>so if the two years in between pattern holds…then hopefully i will make the cutoff…but im not sure…only if i could have gotten 1 or 2 more questions right… i wouldn’t have to worry about this…i worked very very hard to raise my score by that much… oh well hoping for the best! </p>

<p>@nimbooda14 – you deserve all the credit in the world for raising your score that much. Wow.<br>
Am sorry that you have to sweat the cutoff, but I wouldn’t waste any mental energy on it.</p>

<p>Consider using Erica Melzer’s CR book to prep for the SAT’s (before they change the format). Duplicate this effort on the SAT’s, and you’re going to find yourself with all sorts of choices when you start applying to college.</p>

<p>@AsleepAtTheWheel‌ thank you so much :slight_smile: and i did use Erica Melzer’s grammar book to raise my writing score…so i will definitely take your advice and use her CR book as well to get a score equal to or better than this…thank you once again :)</p>

<p>I’m a NMSF and I scored a 218 in NY</p>

<p>@phirup – The cutoff for CA for the Class of 2014 was 223, but that’s the highest that it’s ever been. Right now it’s impossible to know whether it will go up, down, or stay the same from last year’s 222. As has been noted on this board a hint may come when the score necessary for commended status comes out this spring. When the CA cutoff was 223, the commended score cutoff was 203. I believe last year it was 201. You should hope for another 201 or lower, but again, using the commended score cutoff as a proxy for the state cutoff is like reading tea leaves, at best.</p>

<p>As easy as it is to beat yourself up for missing some ‘easy’ questions you should resist the temptation. And instead of wasting energy on worrying about the cutoff you should do some SAT prep to try to raise your total SAT score to 2300. You’re very close, and it’s totally do-able. That would serve you much better than stressing about the cutoff.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I feel bad for the kids that have to make the really high scores just because they live in certain states. I made the cutoff in NM with a 211 (I’m class of 2015), but I know I wouldn’t have made it in say, Texas or New Jersey. A lot of kids that probably just missed the cutoffs in those states would have sailed over in my state, so … yeah. Life isn’t fair. </p>

<p>You want to know a story about how ignorance is bliss? Well, I misunderstood what I read on the NMSC website about not having an * on your score report merely meaning you were a “high scorer.” I thought it meant I was a full NMSF! So, I was blissfully happy the rest of the year ASSUMING I had made the cutoff! (Granted that I knew it was usually around 210 for NM.) I had no idea that I was walking on thin ice; I was certain I was home free for that stage of the competition. Only after reading threads like these on CC later on did I realize how crazy I was to assume I was in. Yes … I’m a little dopey. But man, it was probably better for my nerves than all this stress you guys are going through. </p>

<p>I’m hoping you all make it! Best wishes.</p>

<p>The commended cut is not a hint. It’s not outright given by NMSC, but schools will get letters asking to verify those that qualify for the next stage, which has historically meant meeting or exceeding the eventual commendation cut. And while this information is not publicized, homeschoolers will get this letter as the principal of their school. When someone comes on and says they have the letter at 202, and some sufficient time later when the 201 kids don’t get it, you can conclude that the cut is 202. It comes with enough verification that this is pretty much a sure thing. This happens in April some time.</p>

<p>The schools of course also get this letter, but they are less forthcoming with the info. I was able to confirm that my son was named on the letter, but it didn’t help anyone as he was in NMS range, rather than commended range. The letter merely asks the principal to confirm that the student is in good standing and their name is spelled correctly.</p>

I think the way it works is that, you went through New Mexico school program, and the “smart” students received a ~211+, so they received the NMSF after their experiences in the school program. However, California students went through their program, and the “smart” students received a ~222+(off of memory), so they received the NMSF after their experiences with the Californian school program. Same “smart” students (essentially), different program. While it is unfortunate to some for working hard and missing the distinction, it seems fair enough that you shouldn’t feel sorry.</p>

<p>@Rainhorse </p>

<p>Actually, I’m home schooled so I don’t really know what the education is like in the NM public schools except that it is a lot closer to the bottom than the top in quality. But that explanation does make some sense, thanks.</p>

<p>What are those + and – for 2015 column?</p>

<p>State 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Max Min
Alabama… 207-…211…209…211…210…208…209…209…212…212…207
Alaska 210 212 204 212 214 211 212 213 212 214 204
Arizona… 213…214…212…213…209…210…209…211…214…214…209
Arkansas 206+ 205 202 205 203 203 204 201 206 206 201
California… 222…223…220…221…219…218…217…218…219…223…217
Colorado 213 215 212 215 212 213 213 213 216 216 212
Connecticut… 220…221…218…220…219…218…218…217…221…221…217
Delaware 215- 218 215 217 215 219 219 219 219 219 215
Dist. of Col… 224+…224…221…223…223…221…221…223… …224…221
Florida 211 214 211 214 210 211 211 212 215 215 210
Georgia… 215…217…214…218…215…214…215…214…218…218…214
Hawaii 214 215 211 216 215 214 216 213 218 218 211
Idaho… 211+…211…207…211…208…209…208…204…207…211…204
Illinois 215 216 213 216 214 214 214 213 218 218 213
Indiana… 212…215…211…214…212…211…213…213… …215…211
International 224+ 224 221 223 223 221 221 223 224 221
Iowa… 207-…210…207…210…209…209…210…209… …210…207
Kansas 213 216 212 214 211 211 211 212 213 216 211
Kentucky… 210…211…208…212…208…209…209…208…212…212…208
Louisiana 208 209 209 209 210 207 208 206 209 210 206
Maine… 212…215…210…212…213…213…212…211…213…215…210
Maryland 221 223 219 221 220 221 220 221 223 223 219
Massachusetts. 223…224…221…223…223…221…221…223…224…224…221
Michigan 210 210 207 210 209 209 209 209 211 211 207
Minnesota… 215+…215…213…215…213…215…214…213…214…215…213
Mississippi 207+ 207 204 205 205 203 201 202 204 207 201
Missouri… 209-…213…210…213…210…211…213…211…214…214…209
Montana 206 207 203 209 208 204 208 207 209 203
Nebraska… 209…209…207…209…210…207…206…207… …210…206
Nevada 208 212 208 209 208 202 206 208 208 212 202
New Hampshire. 212…214…211…216…214…213…211…215…216…216…211
New Jersey 224+ 224 221 223 221 221 220 221 223 224 220
New Mexico… 210+…210…208…210…206…208…209…208… …210…206
New York 218 219 215 219 217 218 216 219 221 221 215
North Carolina 212-…215…213…217…214…214…215…214…215…217…212
North Dakota 201 204 200 204 202 202 201 202 204 200
Ohio… 213…215…212…214…212…211…213…211…215…215…211
Oklahoma 206- 210 206 209 206 207 208 207 207 210 206
Oregon… 217…218…213…216…215…213…213…213…215…218…213
Pennsylvania 216 217 214 215 216 214 213 214 217 217 213
Rhode Island… 212…216…211…213…211…217…213…212… …217…211
South Carolina 209 210 208 211 208 211 212 210 214 214 208
South Dakota… 203-…206…204…206…205…205…205…203… …206…203
Tennessee 212 212 210 214 212 213 213 213 217 217 210
Texas… 218…219…216…219…215…216…215…215…217…219…215
Utah 208+ 208 205 208 203 206 203 202 208 202
Vermont… 213…217…214…217…212…213…213…216… …217…212
Virginia 219 222 217 220 218 218 219 217 220 222 217
Washington… 219…220…216…220…218…217…217…215…219…220…215
West Virginia 201 203 200 204 202 203 203 200 206 204 200
Wisconsin… 208…210…207…209…209…207…210…208…211…211…207
Wyoming 204+ 203 200 204 202 201 201 200 204 200</p>

<p>I believe the + represents the highest seen for the state over the year and - might be the other end (lowest)…</p>

Do you have to get above the cutoff score or equal to it? I’m ca and got a 223…

^equal to it or above.

anyway to gauge or estimate based on published data what the cutoff for New York would be for Class of 2016?

^From Post #94
New York 218 219 215 219 217 218 216 219 221 max 221 min 215
looks like NY usually comes in 218/219 but there is no other way to estimate at this point

I’m from Michigan and got a 208. It says that’s in the 98th percentile. Is that in the nation or state? And do I have a shot?

@RedWhiteAndWho…It’s possible, but probably unlikely, that 208 will qualify you for NMSF in Michigan. There have been 2 years in the last decade that Michigan’s cutoff score has been 207 but it pretty consistently falls in the 209-211 range. 208 is a fantastic score and you should be proud, and it will definitely earn you at least Commended status, and there’s at least an outside chance it will qualify you for Semi-Finalist.

What I’d recommend is that you at least research some of the scholarship opportunities available to students through the NM program and see if any of the large $$ “unofficial” scholarships (UKentucky, UCF, Oklahoma, Bama, etc.) interest you. If those types of schools aren’t on your radar then you’re not really going to miss out on anything financially if your score doesn’t meet Michigan’s cutoff this September. If those schools do interest you, then you can do a Plan A list of schools (in case 208 qualifies you) and a Plan B list (in case it doesn’t).

Unfortunately you’ll be among many “on the bubble” students who will have to wait several painful months until state cutoff scores are released in September. Between now and then concentrate on your ACT and/or SAT prep and maximize those avenues to potential scholarships in case the Semi-Finalist numbers don’t fall your way. Congrats again on a great score and good luck in your college search!!