***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

@ohiojr Very nervous! Made a CC account just for this thread–DD got an incredibly borderline score and the trend amongst larger states with the higher scores is not helping the nerves…
Guess we’ll have to just wait until someone from OH posts.

This is the hard part, when people start having their hopes dashed. Hugs and virtual chocolate to all who need it. Please remember the just missed scores are truly fantastic, and there are other scholarships/etc out there. I’m sure many of you will realize in a year’s time, that it was a blessing in disguise, as your DC is now at the perfect school for him/her. Best wishes! I’ll probably stick around to see PA come in, but then I’m back in the real world.

I am very nervous also. We have a 215 which is the highest in Indiana in the last few years. Nothing from the GC.
We have a new principal and I hope the information didn’t get forwarded on to her. She is in a different school system altogether. This is so stressful. Going to go take a long walk shortly.


We haven’t seen any new highs that I am aware of. Still I understand the nervousness! My son is sitting at the TX high. Hoping that the kid from Dallas was right about 219. Often they are.

@Dallas14 So sorry to hear about 217!! But has anything been heard about 218?

@Dallas14 So sorry to hear that your daughter didn’t make it. But, I am sure any kid with this high score would shine no matter what the outcome is from NMSC .

I hope the kid is wrong and it’s 218 :frowning:

Qualified in Louisiana with a 211! My GC told me that the cutoff was 211. Just barely made it!

Updating TX before it gets buried. Updating LA too.

AL=? (post #?, per GC/NMSC/HSL (homeschool letter)/other)
CA= <=223 (post #726) letter to principal
FL=214 (post #851)
ID= <=213 (post #811) HSL
IN= <=218 (post #772) letter to school
KY=<=213 (post #822)
LA=211 (post #887) cutoff informed by GC
MI= <= 213 (post 648 HSL)
MN= <=217 (post #844)
MS= <=209 (post #843)
NY= <= 219 (post #714 student report)
OK=208 (post #750) cutoff informed by principal
PA =?
TN= <=215 (post #860)
TX= >217 (post #871)
UT=<=210, possibly 209 (post #823)

Commended (national cutoff) = 202?

Congrats @AcmSpud !

I think 211 is a new high for LA. The numbers this year indicated a very strong LA score. No linear regression was possible because the correlation wasn’t good, however.

According to post #655, LA previous high was 210 (in 2011) so +1.

In Louisiana, the most common cutoff score had been 209. (3 times in 8 years)

How do you know if you got semifinalist? Do they send a letter or something? I got 216 in Florida but I didn’t hear anything yet?

I’m new to this discussion.

I missed the PSAT last October so I used my SAT scores to qualify…I made a 2140 (CR+M+writing mc Subscore). Does anyone know how SAT scores equate to PSAT scores? So, in other words, does a 2140 equal a 214? I’m in Florida so I’m really anxious as others have indicated that 214 is the FL cutoff!!

@WK6897 your school gets the notification. they let students know and give further info. Can take some time. Letters were mailed last week.

Congrats to all that have gotten good news and condolences to those who didn’t. I’m a Class of 2015 NMS checking in, curiously looking out for the NM cutoff score for my own amusement. Those who made it, search out your opportunities and take them if it’s right for you. For those that didn’t… like others say, there’s plenty of other scholarships that someone with your still high level of testing skill can likely get. Good luck to all!

@fbhsmom – The NMSF’s are the top 1% from each state. Florida can’t have 10% of the NMSF’s unless Florida had 10% of the nation’s graduating seniors.

Daughter just told me her friend with a 218 did not make the cut so if her friend is telling the truth about his score 219 is the cutoff for Texas.


Thanks so much for posting. Sorry for all the 218’s out there.

Son got a 216 in Ohio and was notified by a letter to his school that he is a semi finalist.

Has anyone in CO heard anything? We’ve been told that 9/9 is the national release day and the school won’t inforn the semi-finalists until then. Is this a rule or a guideline?