Class of 2020!

Hi Everyone! I’m trying to help future students with data! If you could please include your:

GPA (Weighted/Unweighted):
SAT: CR: W: M:
ACT: Composite: M: W: R: S:
Class Rank:
Extracurriculars/volunteer work:

Where else did you apply?
Where were you accepted/denied/waitlisted?

I’m apart of the class of 2020 and I plan to commit to UA :smiley:
ACT composite 21
StuCo, NHS, SNHS, Model UN
I applied to: ASU, UNM, NAU, UNLV, TTU, OU, Ole Miss, and Oregon State
I got into all of the schools I applied to :slight_smile:

D accepted to University of Arizona pre nursing
Weighted 4.16, school doesn’t do unweighted
Applied test optional
EC: tons, volunteered over 500+ hours various health related fields, gymnast works out 20 hours per week - regional champion level 8, NHS,Vice president,
Applying to Fairfield U, Quinnipiac, U of Rhode Island, UDel, Purdue, UMass, UConn, UNH,UMiami, USeattle, UP

Accepted to School of Management and Honors College
4.62 Weighted, 4.0 Unweighted
34 ACT Composite
top 5% of class
EC: Theatre, 4 a capella groups, jazz band, marketing and investments club, student government

Applied to Claremont Mckenna, UCLA, Harvard, Penn, Northwestern, ASU, UChicago, a bunch more- haven’t heard from any of them yet

I was accepted on November 5th!

GPA (Weighted/Unweighted): 4.23/3.9
SAT: 2280 CR:730 W:790 M:760
ACT: Composite: 33 M:33 W:31 R:34 S:28
Class Rank: school doesn’t rank
Extracurriculars/volunteer work:
Student Council (Class Secretary) 9, 10
Key Club (Class Representative) 9, 10
Third Wave Feminism (Co-President) 11, 12
Amnesty International (Co-President) 11, 12
Astronomy Club (Co-President) 11, 12
Academic Super Bowl (Captain of 2015 State-Finalist Team) 10,11, 12
School Newspaper (Organizer of a TEDx event with this club) 11, 12
School Ambassador (we give campus tours to prospective students) 11, 12
French Club 9, 10, 11, 12
Competitive Dance Team (Captain) 9, 10
Humane Society (20 hours) 11
Peer Tutoring (60 hours/year) 9, 10
Greenhouse Volunteer (50 hours) 12

Note: I transferred schools junior year, so that’s why there is a weird break in most of my activities.

Where else did you apply?
University of Pennsylvania ED, University of Chicago EA, Indiana University, Purdue University, Ball State University. If I get rejected/deferred from my EA/ED schools, I’ll probably send out a few more apps to some other top/second tier schools.

Where were you accepted/denied/waitlisted?
Accepted to IU, Purdue, and Ball State. Waiting on decisions from Penn and UChicago next month. Of the school’s I’ve been accepted to, Arizona is my favorite! Is anyone else here really into astronomy?

D accepted to University of Arizona for Biology/Pre-Med
GPA Weighted 4.07, 3.96 Unweighted
SAT Only: 1800
EC: Northern CA Scholar Athlete in Softball (Sophomore/Junior Year)
Does not need tuition assistance

Applying to Clemson, U of Alabama, William and Mary, Creighton, St Johns, Brandeis, Holy Cross, Baylor, Boston College, Notre Dame and Dartmouth. Boston College (Legacy) is Early Action, Notre Dame is Early Action, and Dartmouth is Early Decision (Scheduled for an interview/good sign

Accepted to U of Arizona (No Paperwork in mail yet), U of Alabama (Partial scholarship), Creighton (Partial Scholarship)

Accepted on November 14th, applied on November 4th for engineering undecided

GPA: 94.5 Weighted
SAT: 1940 CR: 630 W: 650 M: 660
ACT: Did not take
Class Rank: Top 20% of around 300 at a high ranked public school
Extracurricular/volunteer work:
Founder of a Political Forum Club
Treasurer Student Council
Member of National Honor Society
Varsity Lacrosse
New Student Ambassador
Environmental Club
Middle and High School Tutor
Employee at a grocery store
Volunteer teaching assistant and book shelver at a library
Additional Info: white male, applied as out of state from New Jersey, will have taken 13 honors/AP classes when I graduate

Where else did you apply? ASU, Rutgers, Penn State, Virginia Tech, Drexel, Richmond

Where were you accepted/denied/waitlisted? Still waiting to hear back from all, not really planning on attending Zona but happy to be accepted and to have it as a safety.

HI, For my son, applied mid October, accepted 11/5

GPA (Weighted/Unweighted): 3.26
ACT: Composite: 26
Extracurriculars/volunteer work: Varsity FB, Lacrosse(Captain), Camp Counselor, Work part time all through HS, full time summer.


Where else did you apply? Iowa (accepted), OleMiss (accepted), Auburn and Penn State (waiting)

Hi, my D did get accepted on 11/5 and we have been anxiously awaiting the paper acceptance to get further details - honors, scholarships. Have you received the letter in the mail or just the online notification? The mail in our area has been known to be misplaced so I was wondering if everybody else had gotten their letter in the mail. Thanks.

My D stats are:
GPA: 106.XX or 4.0
SAT 2250
EC: Varsity swim team and captain, lifeguard, Art Honors, NHS, Key Club, NMSF
Applied - UT Dallas (accepted), UT Austin (accepted), USC, UNC, NCS

If we can make the finances work, she will probably be there next year.

I have not received my paper acceptance either. Here is the link for the scholarship page if this is what you are looking for,

VarsityNerd - I am a Freshman at UA majoring in physics with a minor in astronomy.

Accepted on 11/5 - undeclared major and admitted to the honors program

GPA (Weighted/Unweighted): 3.9, 4.2
ACT: Composite: 31 M: 33 W: 27 R: 33 S: 32
Class Rank: 54/507 UW, 46/507 W
Extracurriculars/volunteer work: varsity tennis, future business leaders of america, model united nations, student council, a little bit of tech theatre my freshman year - no leadership positions in my extracurriculars however, and no work or volunteering

So far I have been accepted into Purdue, Ohio State, and Penn State, and I am waiting to hear back from UT Austin and UIUC

Daughter applied November 1, heard two weeks later online on the portal. The automatic scholarship details were included (very appealing for out of state applicant), but no word on honors college. Have yet to receive an email or anything else. History major. Arizona was backup school, but scholarships and weather are appealing.

GPA: 4.20 weighted (including last 2 years full-time at community college/dual enrollment). 3.6 unweighted
SAT: CR: 620, M: 580 W: 660
No class rank

Where else did you apply? Applied a bunch of big state schools - Colorado, Texas, Oregon, Florida, Indiana etc.
Where were you accepted/denied/waitlisted? Only heard back from Colorado so far (admitted - honors college)

RILEYFANNING That sounds awesome! Do you like the program at UA? Have there been any opportunities that you’ve had at UA that you don’t think you could have gotten somewhere else?

I received my paper acceptance letter yesterday, and I was accepted to the honors college and I also found out about the Arizona Excellence Award. For me, it’s looking like Arizona is not only my favorite of the schools I’ve been accepted to, but it would be just as affordable and maybe more affordable than schools in my home state.

As a freshman here, I know what all of you are feeling. Just make sure you guys study, show up for your classes, take notes, etc. so you can succeed. Also, college really isn’t that hard, especially if you took AP/IB classes in high school.

i dont remember when i got in
GPA: 3.64/3.92
SAT:2180 CR:680, M:770, WR:730
pretty good EC’s

GPA: 3.4/3.5
ACT: 33
Good EC’s and Essays
Business Administration
Haven’t found out if I got into the Honor’s College yet or not

I don’t remember when I got in… it was a while ago!
GPA: not sure…school doesn’t calculate it
ACT: 30 composite, 10 writing
good ECs, very good recs and essay

@andrewmcdona @Northwood16 @njclass2016 how long did you have to wait until you received your decisions?

@nadinem123 I applied October 15, and found out I was accepted November 17.