@nodaybut2daymom she’s straight acting but that MT program sounds up her alley
Shenandoah is a small school in Winchester, VA - which is a small town. The focus is definitely pop rock, contemporary sound in the MT program. Lovely theater and friendly professors. The program is great, but given that it is off the beaten track from the big city, it’s kind of underrated. Nice, low-key vibe. We’ve visited more than once as it’s my daughter’s top choice (close to our DC home, and she’s sings pop-rock style).
@marg928 we got the email also. D made it through Pre screens but we can’t get to the remaining audition dates. Since we are in Kentucky, NY tomorrow is out too. Its a great MT program and as it has been mentioned they have the pop rock in additional to traditional MT training:)
@Mtmomkbh the audition is not tomorrow it’s January 8th…the email with the details will come tomorrow!
Did anyone apply to UCLA for theatre and if so have you heard anything regarding scheduling an audition?
@anitapitamom yes my D did…it was sort of a last minute thing since she was already applying to three other UC schools on the same application. From what I read they don’t ask everyone to audition. I have not heard anything yet but I can’t imagine my D will get in there academically especially being out of state. It was more for the hell of it. Thinking you have to be admitted academically first.
OMG! Thank you! It certainly is!
Last year UCLA had a separate application to be filled out and submitted by a particular deadline (I want to say December but I am not sure). It wasn’t a prescreen, just another hoop. Did they add a prescreen? Some things to keep in mind about UCLA – it is a BA, not a BFA and very very academic vs a traditional BFA.
FYI Florida State decisions came out a little while ago on the portal. My D was accepted!
Congrats, @marg928! artistic acceptance, or academic acceptance? This was one school that my D was confused as to whether they are separate.
@owensfolks Academic, she is auditioning at Unifieds. Guess they are separate.
Marg928…My S received an academic acceptance today too for FSU. He is auditioning in Feb. in Florida…Ughhh… they only do MT on campus!
@marg928 & @nodaybut2daymom YAY! D received an academic acceptance, and a really awesome scholarship offer. Auditioning 1/29 BAL to your kiddos!
Congrats @owensfolks and @nodaybut2daymom… my D got no $$ which is a bummer but the school is pretty reasonable so it’s fine. Getting into the program is going to be the hard part! and I had no idea they didn’t do MT at Unifieds! That is a pain but at least you will get to visit the campus.
@owensfolks …auditioning for MT in Florida??
@Marg928 I am hoping it will turn him on to warm weather schools! Most of his schools are in freezing cold locations!
@nodaybut2daymom yes, on campus audition 1/29 for MT. My D also has a lot of Northern schools still in play: Syracuse, Ithaca, and Michigan! We live in NC, but I grew up in Upstate NY. Yesterday I told a fellow Upstate NYer coworker that D had Syracuse and Ithaca on the list. He was like, “Does she know about the Winters?!?”
Congrats @owensfolks and @nodaybut2daymom! How do you know if you got a scholarship? Is it obvious? I’m guessing my D did not get one…
@owenfolks Our biggest mistake was touring all these schools is Spring and Summer…they were beautiful but everyone warned of the winters…Boston included! Will you drive to campus from NC? We are from NJ so I am trying to figure out the best way to get there.
@nodaybut2daymom I think we are going to fly to Jacksonville, FL and then drive. It was half the price of flying all the way to Pensacola or Panama city. @Meanasmom I am assuming it was obvious when my D checked the portal, but I will ask her. Congrats on the admit! When is your D auditioning?