Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

Oh interesting. The letter I saw had October 5. I make sure they get it done asap. Thanks

Wonder what they look for someone to be a NM Scholar .

How do they decide among the finalists who will receive the money from them or from private companies or from schools? My question is how exactly does a finalist become a scholar, is there another application to fill or interview? Thanks

To considered a finalist is there a preference on SAT or ACT score ?Also any idea on what is the SAT score to become a finalist ?

What’s been said by Compass and others is you need an SAT confirming score at/above the commended level. So for this year, (2V+M)/10 >= 207. For ACT, same idea, but you use the ACT to SAT concordance chart to convert and do (E+R+M)/10>=207. No preference by National Merit which one.

Today is the day we should get info about USF’s OOS National Merit Scholarships for the class of '23…with the caveat that last time they posted a deadline, they ended up pushing it back by a month.

The vast majority of NMSF, who participate, who have a corresponding score ACT/SAT, who are in good standing with their school, will move on to finalist. Some of us look at it as a formality.

In 2017, we took an informal poll of some at this site who made the 2500 Scholars. We few had kids who scored 1560 or plus on the SAT with equivalent GPA’s. It was completely informal, a small group and that was then.

No further applications, no interview. They just decide and notify the student.

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I called NMSC looks like this year selection index is set at 207.

That’s the index for Commended and Semi-finalist only for the state with the lowest qualifying score. Most states have a higher qualifying score.

I asked for the selection index score for finalist status so this selection index uses SAT score. They said it is same for all states.

It sounds like you are talking about the Confirming score, which is always the same as the Commended score so that’s correct.

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Yes I was looking for confirming score.

Anyone else who haven’t heard from their school?


My son heard back a few days ago from his school. He is filling out his application now to become a finalist. So for college choice he should just leave it as undecided on his application? Then in the spring he has to notify NMSC what college he is going to before the NMSC deadline of May 31?

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Our counselor has said they aren’t allowed to say anything until tomorrow about the letter she may or may not have. wink

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We still haven’t heard from our school. One twin will be commended and one will be NMSF, we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

They announced all the National Merit Recognition students last Friday.

No update on the OOS National Merit award at USF – still reads, “Please check back on Monday, September 12th…for scholarship criteria for the incoming class of 2023.” After I get my son’s NM semifinalist number tomorrow (to answer the question four posts up, we’ve heard nothing from his school) I’ll sign up for their hub, see if there’s updated info there.

You can put anything. When I filled out the application I put my dream college… and when I was notified of my award in May I changed it to the college that I am attending (which itself is like a dream!)

Do we know what time the NMSF will be published tomorrow?