Class of 2024 Admissions Decisions

@emptynestpls my son is in a similar situation. He was accepted for Supply chain and UTK is probably 3rd or 4th choice. He wants to wait on a few others. What were the things you found out about the major and campus that pushed him over the finish line?

He initially wanted international business. But he also wanted to go back to Michigan (we lived there when he was 6…). His dad has been an executive in supply chain before and we found Michigan State was #1 program. We flew up there. Travel took a whole day. He wasn’t very impressed with the campus , which was very large and spread out. The dorms were older and smaller.
I say about the travel because last year, his sister was at Purdue and had a stroke. It took me a day to get to her. I think he realized how far away it would be from any family. And not to mention, Michigan State is a competitive process to get into supply chain and if you don’t get in, what do you do?
Then we discovered Tenn is #3 in supply chain. It’s less than 2 hours away, beautiful campus with newer buildings, we have 17 members of my husbands family that are alums. They all love it. I’m an Alabama fan so I am reluctant, but he looks good in Orange, so…
His brother is at Miss State, step brother at Alabama, step brother at William and Lee. Sister has now transferred down to Miami.

Sorry that was supposed to be Washington and Lee, not William and Lee

@emptynestpls Thanks so much . Yes closer is better. We are about 6 hours away but lots of kids from my area go there (Virginia). I can imagine if there is an emergency, it would be horrifying. I hope your daughter is ok now. I too liked the campus and buildings etc. I guess we will see what happens in the next few months. He likes South Carolina and of course Virginia Tech as well.

@jgwolf I live in Blacksburg. VT is definitely another good option :slight_smile:

My son got his acceptance yesterday and UT Volunteer Scholarship. UT wasn’t on his initial list, he applied last minute based on my recommendation because of their nuclear fusion technology research focus area and their collaboration with, and proximity to, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Not at the top of his list but I’m going to make sure he does his research and really looks at this school as it is a good fit for his interests.

GPA/Rank: 4.2 UW. Rank 24/1016
Extra curriculars: 4 year varsity Bowling, 3 year captain. First team all league every year but freshman. Marching band officer and section leader. Two time state and regional champ. President aviation club. Engineering club (officer). TutorS in tutoring program. Volunteers at Wings of Freedom aviation museum. Others too I suspect. I can’t keep up with his activities.

State Residency: PA
Ethnicity/Gender: male

Application date: October 31 (transcript and scores delivered after)
Decision date: December 6
Decision: Accepted Tickle College of Engineering
Major/College: Nuclear Engineering.

@snakster How can his unweighted gpa be over 4.0?

ACT/SAT: 1330
GPA/Rank: 4.47 (W) Top 6% of class
Extra curriculars: Team Captain of sport, lots of community service, NHS, UNICEF
State Residency: VA
Ethnicity/Gender: white F

Application date: 11/1
Decision date: 12/6
Decision: Accepted (with scholarship)
Major/College: Supply Chain Management (Haslam College of Business)

To apply for the competitive scholarships, do you have to commit to the school??

I’m not exactly sure how it can be over 4, but it is. The school uses A’s and A+’s. My guess is that A+ is worth more than 4. He doesn’t even know. And he didn’t get a good answer when he asked.

I’m sure in colleges eyes it’s a 4.0. But his transcript says 4.2

(Weighted GPA is 6.17).

@snakster Ah, that makes sense that the A+ grades are counted higher. I’ve never heard of that before, interesting! Either way, amazing grades!

@ceb218 No, I don’t believe so. There should be an email with a link to the competitive scholarship app. We were just looking at it, since it is due 12/15, but the system appears to be own until this afternoon. I’m wondering how involved the application is, and the likelihood of getting additional scholarships (beyond the volunteer scholarship).

ACT/SAT: 1360 superscored (710 EBRW, 650 math)
GPA/Rank: 4.17W / 3.7UW
Extra curriculars: exchange year junior year, city youth council, volunteer little league coach
State Residency: Virginia
Ethnicity/Gender: White female

Application date: 11/01
Decision date: 12/06
Decision: Accepted to The College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences with Volunteer Scholarship
Major/College: Sports Management

Anybody know if UT has something like an ‘admitted student’ day? I don’t see anything like it on their website but many schools do. Since we haven’t visited, it would be nice if they did.

@LiveLoveLaughRN I saw your post on the JMU site…my daughter just committed to UTK! So glad to hear that your son loves it!

@snakster I just spoke to admissions, and asked if they have an admitted students day, and they indicated that they have a day called “New VOL Roll Call” which will be held in April…the exact date has not been released yet.

@njmom1234 Thanks, I got a reply to my email today essentially saying the same thing. Our luck would be that it’s the same time as the Band trip to Orlando that he’s going on. Appreciate your follow-up.

@snakster what was the date?

@jgwolf She didn’t have a date. She indicted that it should be live on the website after the new year. So I will start looking for it in January.

I spoke with admissions today, while not posted, they are almost sure “Admitted Students Day will be Saturday, April 25, 2020” for Knoxville campus.