Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@PNWdrama there was a report on here on Sunday night of 1 male & 1 female who got calls from Ball state & no further comments from anyone on BSU since then, which I find odd…Uof A sounded like some calls were made but I dont know the specifics, but we are waiting on both as are many from what I hear.

Thank you @NYYFanNowMTdad . That’s what I’ve seen too!

@PNWdrama we know of a boy who got an acceptance call from Ball State earlier this week

@PNWdrama, @NYYFanNowMTdad Last year Ball State made their first round of acceptance calls around 2/25: a bunch of rejection/redirect emails went out then (we know people who got them.) We were told by a Ball State parent that if you hadn’t received those emails, you were still in the mix. Then on 3/12 my D received a call to let her know that she was on the priority waitlist-not sure if more actual acceptance calls were made that day. They definitely took people off the waitlist last year- my D didn’t get off until the very end of April. She didn’t attend, but does love Ball State. No guarantee that it’s the same this year, of course, but hope the info helps. Best of luck to all still waiting!!

Does anyone have any intel on when the Univ of Oklahoma will be notifying? I know last half of Feb/early March - just looking for anything more specific. Thanks.

Has anyone heard of any Wright State acceptances other than academic?

Decision letters are posted in the Michigan portal. Not SMTD but the main school portal.

Not sure if last year’s info is any help, and it doesn’t speak to how things are occurring this year…however, last year my S auditioned on 2/22 (dance call on 2/23), and received notification via snail mail on 3/4…

Fingers crossed for all those still waiting for their first Yes!

@SingerDancerMom, did you get an email notification to check the portal?

And Michigan is a no for us. D happened to check her portal (unprompted by me) just as I was writing that. She taken the other rejections in stride, but this one hurts. :frowning:

@flippedout My D received BFA Acting acceptance in December from Wright State (she auditioned for both MT and Acting) and a friend of ours got MT BFA acceptance from Wright the same day. Both came by snail mail with no warning. Big envelope with a folder inside. Both my D and our friend auditioned for Wright in November. But we know plenty who auditioned at the same event who have not heard anything from them yet, so they most definitely aren’t done notifying.

S auditioned at Michigan last Friday. Received an online “no” today. He’s naturally disappointed but seems to be handling ok. The head of the MT program gave one of the most inspiring presentations I’ve heard. I really appreciated so much of what he said. Wishing continued luck to all. This is hard… it’s like waiting for the last few weeks before these kids were born. :wink:

Ohio Northern snail mail from NY Unifieds is mostly out!

We too received a “no” today from University of Michigan. It’s been a rough day. I’m glad we didn’t have to wait until tomorrow though! Moving on and hoping we all get some good news soon. ?

Hi There Fams! New to this forum. You all are amazing in your support of your kids! Hope it’s proper to post this question here. If not, please redirect me. If a student has auditioned for both a BFA in MT and in Acting, is it rare to get acceptance for both or do school “usually” offer one and not the other? Thanks! Congrats to those who have gotten into their dream schools and complete empathy for those who have not – yet. As I tell my daughter, there are many paths to her goals. Deep breaths, everyone.

Welcome @MTMamoo - you’ve got the right attitude! Many paths! I have never heard of anyone getting accepted to both a BFA MT and an BFA Acting major at the same school.

@ElizaDoolittle totally thought D would take this in stride as she had done with other No’s, but this one was the dream school and having passed the pre-screen gave her a little hope. Still waiting for 12 more schools. Hoping something comes through that gives her another choice.

Sending good thoughts to all who are still waiting.

My daughter got her “no” from Michigan, too, today as well as a “no” from Ohio Northern, to add to the other two “no” letters she’s already received. So far, the only “yes” she’s gotten has been to a dance minor at a school that hasn’t yet notified her about her MT BFA status. So, things here are going swimmingly! :persevere:

@IStressSoDWont MolloyCAP21 told me that they are making all artistic and academic decisions tomorrow, though this was in response to my inquiry about whether we could still apply and send in digital audition.

@AnxiousNovice we were at CAP21 last week and were told that the goal was to get decisions out tomorrow, but that if not tomorrow, it would be Monday, which matches with their Facebook post. Fingers crossed for all!