Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

My D got redirected to BFA Acting programs at seven of her prescreen schools and we have only heard back from one of them. I have been following along here to track notification dates for the remaining six schools but I just realized that the Acting notification dates may not be the same. Does anyone know if the MT and Acting notification dates are the same for the following schools: Emerson, Pace, Point Park, Shenandoah, Syracuse, CCM. I am pretty sure that Emerson and Syracuse have pretty set dates and tend to send out/post everything at once (though I could easily be wrong on this on the Acting side of things?) but I cannot tell about the other four.

Oh man I hope we get good news from Molloy/CAP21 tomorrow. It would be such a weight off my heart to have a yes to one of my daughter’s top 3 choices! Send good vibes!

@AnxiousNovice Syracuse acting said they’d notify by mid-March.

CCM acting has been notifying for a little while, and if you haven’t gotten a rejection yet (like my kid did) then you can assume you are still under consideration.

I can’t help you with the others. Good luck!

@anxiousnovice last year Syracuse acting notifications were on three successive Fridays in late February - mid March. Emerson was an all-at-once portal notification in early March and I do think it was the same as the MTs. Pace was a sort of annoying slow-roll of calls and snail mail notifications that dragged on for the actors throughout March and into April. Can’t help with the others, unfortunately.

@AnxiousNovice I know it wasn’t what she was looking for but I just have to say wow, your daughter must be a truly standout actor to get all those redirects!!

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Re: my comment yesterday that there was an envelope from Wright State: it was just a financial aid thing. Sorry if I put anyone on high alert

@AnxiousNovice @Libish @NeensMom Thanks for the updates!! Omg I am not going to be able to get any work done today. Knowing the decision is coming today is almost as bad as not knowing! ?? On a happy note- The kids killed it in Drowsy last night. Forgot how funny that show was!

DS got a “no” from Penn State this morning - (it’s OK, he already got a yes he’s happy with) . I’m guessing the “yes” calls went out yesterday. BAL to all :slight_smile:

Hoping for a whole lot of Molloy/CAP21 YESES to be posted here later today! xoxo

@NeensMom - CAP21 results coming out today? My stomach just dropped!

@NeensMom and @StanfordAI2019 CAP results MAY not come out until Monday
the goal is to get yesses and waitlists emailed today (nos will go out by mail), but if not today it will be Monday, from a reliable source. They also did put on FB that it will be by Monday
all fingers and toes crossed for today, and for positive results for all!

Because I am obsessively checking email today
anyone get an email from Molloy/Cap21 yet? Someone please take my phone and computer away so I can work!

@IStressSoDWont I am also obsesively checking
 You guys will be the first to know when we hear anything!

Indiana university MT is sending acceptance emails now.

Molloy acceptances arrived after 5pm EST last year. D got hers via email at 6:02pm EST. The title of the email was Molloy College/CAP21 BFA Program Decision. Hope that info helps provide a few hours peace from constant email refreshing.

BAL everyone!! D went elsewhere, but loved a lot about Molloy and made sure her it was on the radar of her friends applying this year.

@NeensMom Sending all he good karma I can for good news from MolloyCAP21. Keep us posted,

We have an envelope from Molloy in today’s mail so I’m guessing decisions are out and ours isn’t good news. sigh

@TenaciousC Thanks so much on the CCM info. I am sorry that your D/S got rejected and I hope they have some wonderful other choices.
I know that many of you can relate to this: when I read TenaciousC’s posting my first thought was, “OMG D is going to get rejected in the second round instead of the first round this time!” I am not sure what is more messed up–that I am assuming that D will, of course, get rejected, or that it is starting to feel like a victory to get rejected in round 2 instead of round 1.

Roosevelt CCPA will definitely release all admissions decisions on or around March 15th, but it could be as early as next Friday, March 6th. This word is from the CCPA Office of Enrollment today. (I have a student there.) This is earlier than they have done in the past. All CCPA decisions for all majors will be released at the same time. I hope those of you waiting on Roosevelt only have to suffer through one more week instead of two!

@PNWdrama A friend of mine who isn’t on here is wondering what size envelope you have from Molloy? Also, you never know what’s in it! Can you see which office at the school it’s from?