Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@onette is this via email?

Dsā€™s Fine Arts Application portal has ā€œan update was last posted on xxxxā€ and then ā€œview updateā€ clickable link, so thatā€™s how his looks @PNWdrama

A good amount of TCU chatter today - weā€™ve heard not a peep! Others in the same boat?

@PNWdrama yes!

@MTMamoo The two kids I have been working with this year both took a gap year and it has worked out well for them. They did not audition senior year but after looking at their class load and the prep time needed for auditions PLUS the fact our school only allows two days out for college visits or auditions, we sat down and talked about it and they both came to that decision. Looking back on it, they feel it was best choice for them. They are also happy to talk to any students considering it. I know they both worried so much about how it would be viewed by peers, schools, etc. They were both in hs honors program and didnā€™t want people to think they were slacking. But now they understand that this is akin to a full-time job for several months with all the prescreens, paperwork, essays, etc. Most students donā€™t have to cast the net so wide. On top of it for them is honors apps and financial aid. If you would like contact info for them, I am happy to provide privately!

TCU IS sending out acceptances! As well as ā€˜otherā€™ decisions, which is what WE got :frowning:

On the subject of relationship building after the audition I wondered the exact same thing I could not even get my daughter to do thank you notes which I thought was horrible. There was one school that she reached out to on an email to inquire and they somewhat questioned her interest because they had not heard from her since the audition. I thought that was a really interesting. As a result of that she has communicated back two other times and provided another recommendation letter and a video of recommendations. She also made it very clear that she was extremely interested in that program. After going through this I would highly recommend that they do emails hand written notes follow ups New recommendations etc. I do think it matters. We have not gotten a final decision on this particular program will be curious to see if it made a difference.

Iā€™m so sorry about TCU @StanfordAI2019

@WonderfulJourney - 5 rejections in 2 days. D says that the nearby welding school is looking better and better

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Has anyone heard back from Point Park musical theater?

Donā€™t give up. The path is winding and unexpected but we will all be stronger when we arrive at the destination in the end. Iā€™m sorry for all the people who got noā€™s today and this week and throughout this entire process. Stay strong!

Iā€™m so sorry @StanfordAI2019 she certainly has a wonderful sense of humor. Sending you both good vibes for a better week next week! ~~~

I wish there was a sad face response option @StanfordAI2019 - your daughter is being an absolute trooper.

@StanfordAI2019 this past two days has been beyond brutal

@StanfordAI2019 misery loves company. TCU rejection over here too. Feel like Kareem is having an epic night on the court versus Boston. :slight_smile: Happy for everyone else. My Ds 1 and 2 are gone. Thatā€™s ok. We technically have one more audition on the calendar. Sam Houston State. Know nothing about it.

@StanfordAI2019 - there should be an unlike button - I am praying for you and all the kids on these threads - I really feel in my heart that good news will come soon. Itā€™s great to see how your daughter is handling this - she will do well in this business with that attitude - good vibes :slight_smile:

@csuram1994 If your D hasnā€™t already, I would recommend auditioning with West Texas A&M. They have an audition/interview day on April 17 and you can also see their production of Kiss Me, Kate

@onette are you a coach and a parent? Are you the person in TX I might be thinking of? :wink:

Thatā€™s a rough couple of days, @StanfordAI2019 . I hope your D has a restorative weekend and that the good news starts rolling in soon. We are all rooting for her!

As I mentioned in #1196 above, West Texas A&M is having an audition/interview day on April 17. The Department Head is Stephen Crandall who is a really great guy. The program has changed from a BA to a BFA program beginning with the 19/20 class.