Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

I came into this process fairly naive so this might sound like a dumb question. Do program redirects to Acting occur only if the student also auditioned for Acting?

@CaMom13 and @DivaStageMom thank you so much!! And for everyone else who is also pulling for us, we truly appreciate all the positive vibes and support you give. This forum is keeping me and my D sane during this time of WAITING!! :heart:

I recently thought of this thread from 3 years ago that might be helpfulā€¦if you read through it, it offers interesting perspective on size of waitlists, timing, activity etcā€¦ wondering if this group would find a thread like this for the class of 2024 helpful over the next 4-8 weeks? if yes having 2 recent WL id gladly participateā€¦if not enough interest no problem as im following enough threads already :smile:

I would also tell the class of 2025 to read the threads and take a good look at which schools announce early and to have a few of those on their list and knock those auditions out in October/November if possible. With my older daughter, we had no idea that The University of Tampa announced within weeks of your audition, but she happened to audition for them in December, and she got that yes in late December. That led to her dropping an audition or two (saving us time and money on travel) and also to her feeling much more relaxed at Unifieds. With my younger daughter, because we knew that, she auditioned for Tampa in October. The minute the yes came in, she dropped 2 or 3 auditions and, again, was much more relaxed at Unifieds. Sheā€™s received 2 more yes decisions from those Unifieds auditions, which is great, but she wasnā€™t feeling the same pressure as some others as we went into February and March because she had a yes at a school sheā€™s really excited about. Had all of the early auditions/announcements resulted in no decisions, she still had time to add applications/auditions. It was also nice that she had one yes while waiting to hear back from some prescreens that resulted in no decisionsā€¦

Somewhat ironically, her first audition was in early October for the University of Miami, which is now the only school we are still waiting on. Those who applied Early Action already heard from them, but when my daughter did her application, we didnā€™t think she could fit the audition in until after January, so she applied regular decision. So she has 3 options sheā€™s very happy with, but there wonā€™t be a final decision yet as we wait to hear from Miami and take a closer look at the other schools. After going through this twice (and watching my niece go through it with us this year), I am glad we are almost to the end and that I donā€™t have a third child - if I did, I would probably be talking them out of the arts!

@NYYFanNowMTdad I donā€™t think a full visit before auditions are necessary, my D was able to assess connection pretty quickly in most cases. I do have to say the schools where the directors came to auditions and were engaged had more positive impact on her than ones where there was a surrogate and they taped. Getting an offer there felt less exciting because she never really got to meet them and would absolutely need to do a serious visit (which of course we will do for any serious contender), but wouldnā€™t do ahead of time because the list was too darn long.

Also, we can only gleen so much from reputation, online available anecdotes and othersā€™ first hand experiences. The two more competitive prescreen schools she passed were not her favorites are audition, and didnā€™t feel like a fit but I was predisposed to want to like them due to reputation! And let me say the competitive schools that donā€™t prescreen and brought directors were some of our favorites. I think they feel they need to meet us in person too and that benefited my D a lot. I donā€™t think she did well on video, esp that early in the process. FWIW we sent thank yous to everyone, and received positive responses from some (pretty consistent with whether there was a connection/convos in the room), so I think following up (just a thank you), is good practice.

With respect to relation building with programs we observed that with a few more regional programs last year for sure. Several wanted my D to keep in touch and they also followed up with her. I wondered if in these cases they were trying to gauge interest to try to minimize students turning down offers but that is an assumption. That said the one that communicated the most and held my D until the end ultimately rejected her. But I concur with @onette it does happen but is likely the exception.

@DivaStageMom I kind of chuckled at your saying that you werenā€™t feeling two flights to Tallahassee only because where we live we are ecstatic if itā€™s ever just two flights! That goes to what you said everyone has different backgrounds, perspectives etc. and whatā€™s a great fit for one isnā€™t for another! Good luck in finding your Dā€™s perfect place!

Iā€™m not sure of the status of the list anymore since people are just sharing in posts, but I know that UNCG MT notified everyone yesterday (3/6) of all decisions (yes, WL and no). I believe there are 4 girls, 4 boys, and 3 of each on the WL.

@prarie Not necessarily - it depends on the program. Some state outright that if you want to be considered for both you need to tell them (CMU, Ithaca, Syracuse, eg). Some separate their programs such that you have to audition for them separately (Pace, Elon, eg.). Others will redirect without asking (Emerson, for instance). I donā€™t have a comprehensive list in my head of which ones - just offering up the ones I know off offhand from my Sā€™s and friendā€™s experience.

@prarie Re: Acting redirects - It probably depends on the school. My D auditioned for Montclair State MT at NY Unifieds and was asked to return the same day to audition for Acting. She heard within a few days that she was accepted for Acting. She was redirected for Acting at LIU without auditioning. She signed up for Ball State MT and Acting walk-ins at Chi Unifieds and was accepted to Acting. (BTW, I think we all entered this process naively!)

My daughter got an acceptance/re-direct to a BFA Acting program after only applying/auditioning for the BFA MT program. So I would agree that itā€™s dependent upon the school or program how they handle that.

Is anyone else still waiting to hear from Arizona? Seems like most of their decisions have gone out but we are still waiting.

@TimeToFindInfo - @NeensMom asked the same question on the venting thread so there are at least two of you still waiting for a decision!

Yes! My D has still not heard from Arizona. Someone in the facebook group said that they would finish sending out decisions by Monday or Tuesday :slight_smile:

@TimeToFindInfo we are still waiting on Univ.of Arizona. ??ā€ā™€ļø

@CaMom13 @DivaStageMom - Thanks for the support! @Lilybird4 @csuram1994 @BloomingGirl and others - My D is in the same boat for BFA MT. Given the remaining schools to hear from, itā€™s not likely she will get a BFA MT acceptance this year. (Being realistic, not negative.) She has BFA Acting options, loads of BA Theatre (academic acceptances) and a couple of BFA MT waitlists, but she has always talked about taking a gap year (way before this horrid process), so that is back on the table in a serious way. If this plays out and D is left with no BFA MT options, Iā€™ll start a new thread for other parents and students who are looking at their Plans B and C. Itā€™s not the end of the road, just a new tributary.

@MTMamoo - first I think a gap year is a GREAT option - D has two friends who took a gap and are KILLING it! Like really killing it - multiple fantastic options! Donā€™t give up on those waitlists - reach out and let them know you are very interested. I am routing for you this year and next - she will get there - BAL!

@NYYFanNowMTdad and others interested in waitlist - hereā€™s a short thread from last year: The dedicated threads are helpful so readers can focus on the single topic. When NYU announces and everyone starts discussing all their schools, please, someone, start a separate thread!

TCU is sending out acceptances!

We had a status update in DSā€™s U of AZ portal without any email or other notification it was there. Be sure to check AZ portal and clink on letter linkā€“thereā€™s a check box to respond on our portal there, too.

@allfour1 what do you mean by letter link? Dā€™s just says a decision will be posted here when availableā€¦