Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

Thanks for the advice everyone- I agree, the better option is to go where I’d end up with less debt.

@tbib83 Amherst would cost me ~22k/year and Umass Boston covers tuition, but I’d still have to pay room/board there (so ~11k/year I believe). For both colleges, I would graduate with 0 debt.

@SS465 Hi, my daughter also submitted the interview with CSUF. Did you receive an official acceptance email? My daughter just checked her portal and her major was changed from nursing to undeclared. I assume that she didn’t get in. Thanks!

She got an email from the nursing school explaining that she had been admitted to the direct entry nursing program. And the portal says her major is nursing. Sorry about your daughter…it’s an emotional roller coaster right now!!

Hi everyone! Can anyone tell me more about NYU’s nursing program? I just got accepted today. I heard that it’s usually around 65 students for the incoming class size so I don’t see as many posts about their nursing school on the NYU threads.

Hey all–Long time lurker/big time fan of this thread. :smile: I have an aspiring Class of 2021 nursing applicant who fell in LOVE with UofSC when she was still considering PharmD. She loved the aesthetics of the campus but more so the tangible feeling of community/small school in a big school package/campus with a great surrounding area. And I do think she is digging the idea of getting far away from NJ for a while! For those that have seen both, is UT a similar feel? We have a virtual tour today but obviously those are never as good as the real deal. Thanks so much and congrats to your Class of 2020 kids!

We live in SC and visited U of SC because it was an affordable in state option. I liked it MUCH more than I expected I would and D20 felt the same way. It ended up being bumped down to third on her list mostly because it is not direct admit for nursing unless you are accepted to the honors program (D20 was not). We absolutely LOVED UTK and I’m honestly still a little sad that she won’t be going there. It was just a little pricier than the other options ( even after great merit) and then getting into Clemson honors tipped the scales and sealed the deal for D20. Both U of SC and Clemson have large numbers of students from the NJ/NY area, UTK not as much.

PS - if by UT you meant Texas vs Tennessee, you can ignore much of what I wrote above - ha!!

Thank you…and yes…I did mean Tennessee! And congrats on Clemson Honors!

Hey everyone - my daughter is trying to decide between Gonzaga, Cal State Fullerton and ASU (with honors college). Since the college visits were all canceled, she is trying to speak with current nursing students. Do any of you know current nursing students at any of these schools? She has reached out to the schools and is getting connected with students that way as well. Thanks!

@SA4465 Take a look at this thread and the post by Jessiesgirl. Parent of a current student at ASU. Not sure if this will be helpful! (I didn’t see it but @lass71 pointed it out!)

WOW! Congratulations!!

My daughter got offer from Decker School of nursing with a provost scholarship of 10k and Rutgers Nursing NB. Both Rutgers NB and DSON Binghamton are good nursing schools.
Would love to know if anyone can give inputs comparing DSON Binghamton and Rutgers Nursing, NB that will help her decide which school to go.
Here are my daughter’s stats:
GPA: 3.9
SAT 1450
leadership and community service including volunteering at hospital

Hi everyone - my daughter is really struggling to decide on a program. We’ve spent hours watching videos, attending virtual sessions and I am encouraging her to speak to as many current nursing students as possible. How are you helping your child make decisions in lieu of college visits? Thanks!

Whats her pros and cons of each right now? Or what are her remaining questions?

We are also struggling a bit in our house too @SA4465. I think what would be a difficult decision anyway is compounded hugely by the corono virus, not finishing senior year and all those disappiontments, not seeing friends and for our kids planning on being nurses, hearing every day what it is like to be a nurse at the moment, risking your life daily. I think its very hard for them to think about where they will be in the fall when all their plans thru end of May and beyond have been cancelled.

That being set there is a 1 May or if lucky 1 June deadline. I think your daughter has three great but very different choices .These are some of the factors I would consider- I would assign value as to how important they rank in importance to your family.

I would imagine the cost to go to Gonzaga is quite a bit more than ASU or Cal State Fullerton

Ease of getting home
That’s something on our minds right now as my daughter’s first choice is out of state
I do think there is a high chance that this fall the kids may have a disrupted semester. Tied into that is how has the college treated current students .

Location and weather
Gonzaga will be much colder, wetter and remote than SD. Will your d be comfortable to drive in the snow to clinicals?
ASU is very urban and downtown. Super hot for several months of the year. ( That was actually a reason why my d did not apply there).
Cal State Fullerton - very suburban setting , drivable to get home. But definitely a very commuter campus. Will she end up coming home most weekends - is that something she wants?

Progression through program
Gonzaga - if its like all the other Jesuit schools we have looked at, super supportive, almost all the freshman class will graduate.
ASU - many of the class will not make it into last two years. You may be confident your daughter will, but how will she feel if nursing friends do not ? Does that create a negative vibe?
Cal State Fullerton - school will be super impacted. Will she get all her classes ?

fellow students
Is she on FB admitted pages - does one school in particular seem to have the students she thinks she will fit in with ?

NCLEX pass rate
Number of hours of clinicals and how they are allocated
Do they get classes with fellow nursing students from freshman year so you can feel part of a nursing school from year 1?
Study abroad option?

Social life

I am sure there are lots of other things I haven’t considered. But hope this is of some help.

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@lass71 - super helpful…thank you for taking time to write all of this! With financial aid, the cost of all three schools is comparable. One thing that has been frustrating is that Fullerton will not connect her with a current nursing student, nor do they have any virtual sessions. They’ve been nice, but not accommodating. Maybe they just figure you should be happy to get in, but the college experience is important to my D and I think she is leaning towards Gonzaga right now after talking to a few students. Good luck to all of us in supporting our kids through this decision!

Im pro Jesuit as I work for one (I’m not baptized myself so its not overly churchy). I think their emphasis on service and helping others in the community as an organization looks great on resumes for nursing students. It would be a solid choice!

I agree that it’s very hard to make a well-informed decision now. My son really wanted to attend admitted student day and overnight stay for the accepted schools. Without the in-person experience, he is just going to decide with the help of virtual tours, online and facebook connections with current & perspective students.

RIght now my son’s top 3 choices are Case and University of Portland and SDSU (leaning towards the first 2). May consider Emory if we get off its waitlist.

@SA4465 To connect with current students, you can try joining Facebook parents group of the schools, and ask if anyone has kids majoring in nursing, or if they can ask their kids to refer you to nursing students.

My daughter is deciding between UVM, URI, University of Delaware and UNH. We are thrilled she these options and reasonable financial aid.

The nursing class sizes range from 65-210. We are trying to understand how each of the clinicals are different as well as the different cultures of the schools and the nursing programs.

If you have any experience with these program I would love to hear from you. We were waiting for acceptance and financial aid before looking deeper and we lost that opportunity.


SAT: 1250
GPA: 94.4 / 100
Rank: 37 / 486
State Residency: NY
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Applied to all on 10/7

All Direct Admit Nursing – *Except Catholic Univ where students are admitted into the Nursing Exploratory Program for first 2 years. They need to meet min 3.0 overall/2.75 core science GPA requirements and pass the HESI Entrance exam sophomore year with at least 75%. They have room and admit ALL students who meet the requirements.

~Sacred Heart University CT – Accepted Nursing 2/1 $19,500/yr ($17.5k Pres Award 3.2 GPA req, $2k Honors 3.4 GPA req)
~Fairfield University CT – Deferred to Regular Decision 12/19, then waitlisted
~Quinnipiac University CT – Accepted Nursing 12/12 $26,000/yr Trustee Award
~Catholic University of America DC*-Accepted Nursing Explor Prog 12/17 $32k/yr ($27k merit, $1k legacy, $4k parish)
~Adelphi University NY – Accepted Nursing 11/25 on-site decision $25,000/yr
~Molloy College NY – Accepted Nursing 11/4 on-site decision $16,500/yr
~Duquesne University PA – Accepted Nursing 10/24 $18,000/yr ($14,000 merit and $4,000 housing)
~West Chester University of PA – Accepted Nursing 10/24 $2,500/yr

D20 chose Catholic University of America. 100% NCLEX pass rate, loved the campus and being so close to all the sights in DC. Hopefully they will be back on campus next year.

Even though CUA is not listed as a direct admit program, the only extra requirement is a 75% on the HESI (a high school level) entrance exam sophomore year. The GPA requirement is in line with the other programs that she applied to. If you are accepted into the nursing exploratory program and meet all the requirements you continue in the nursing program. You are not competing for a certain number of spots. They have room for everyone.
We loved Sacred Heart when we visited, but they offered less scholarship money and to renew the scholarships the student needs to keep a 3.2 and 3.4 (honors) GPA. Most of the other schools she applied to had a 3.0 required GPA. D20 thought that the higher GPA requirement to renew the scholarship was more pressure than the HESI entrance exam.

Good luck to everyone next year and here’s hoping that the high school class of 2020 will go on to have a great college experience.