Class of 2025 Admissions Decisions

That’s great, congrats! Your D is the first I’ve heard who was accepted into nursing. My D accepted with $18,000 x 4 Beacon Scholarship but School of Nursing still under review. According to admissions counselor, School of Nursing said all nursing decisions will be out by end of Feb, but he seems to thing everyone will hear by end of January.

@RachelAC, I am curious too. My D accepted with $18,000 x 4 Beacon Scholarship but nursing decision still under review. According to admissions counselor, School of Nursing was reviewing all applications a second time and everyone will hear by end of Feb (he seems to think it will be sooner, more like end of January timeline). I was under the impression that no one had heard about nursing yet but that is obviously not the case! My D has been admitted to other nursing programs including Clemson, but UTK is her first choice - hoping to hear soon! Good luck to your daughter!!

Thanks! My D is very excited and UTK is her 1st choice, she too was accepted into others. Hope your D hears sooner rather than later, good luck to her!

D got the same note from her admission counselor regarding nursing when she inquired as well. I imagine they have a lot of apps to work through and the whole test-optional thing is probably making their decision making process a lot less cut and dry than it has been in the past. I know a holistic review is the right and fair way to do it but the other, less logical part of me would just like an answer so we can start making some decisions. This whole process is making me a little crazy :stuck_out_tongue:

DD’s acceptance letter on the portal is still dated December 14th but now says she is accepted into Architecture versus it still being under review. Anyone else’s letter change?

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My D’s still shows her original letter (being reviewed for nursing). Congrats to your D!!!

Did her major update in the portal on the part of the page where it shows their IDs/admitted major?

It was odd…her letter (both online and hardcopy sent in the mail) said she was admitted to University Exploratory major and that her first-choice Architecture was currently under review. However, her “Admitted Major” on the front page of the portal said “Architecture”. She sent an email last week to her admissions counselor asking if she had missed an update and which was correct. She has not received a response yet, however, now the online letter has changed. It looks like the letter may have been incorrect in the beginning and now has been corrected. I apologize for any concern or anxiety my post may have created for those that are awaiting competitive major decisions but it is something to note for those that may have the same situation occur in the future. For all those still waiting - my DD received a “denied” from the very beginning from our state’s only B Arch program - don’t be discouraged, you will find your place and excel there!

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Does anyone think whether or not the student has confirmed enrollment has any bearing on the competitive scholarships decisions?

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what does DD stand for?

DD=Dear Daughter DS=Dear Son

My DD was accepted to nursing with a 15k scholarship on the release day.

what do you mean by “on the release day?” thanks

Dec 14.

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Have any Engineering / Computer Science student been accepted from this group? Still waiting here.

Couple of questions if anyone knows the answers!!

D21 loves UTK, is OOS, 34SS (33C), 4.2W GPA, accepted into Neuroscience w/ $18K (x4) auto merit scholarship, and 1794 Scholars. Applied for the competitive scholarships and haven’t heard anything (but not very optimistic, it was due during final exams and I think the essay quality suffered from that timing).

1). Does the 1794 Scholars have access to early registration like Chancellor’s Honors?
2). As Chancellor’s Honors accept admissions elsewhere, do they move kids up from 1794?
3). Do the competitive scholarships typically only go to Chancellor’s kids?

D21 was honored with the 1794 acceptance, although I had thought she had a strong chance for Chancellor’s too. There is another student at her school who also applied to Neuroscience but with a higher GPA (same ACT) and was accepted into Chancellor’s. However D21 has more leadership and service EC’s which I was hoping might make her more appealing as a competitive scholarship applicant, but as we wait I worry those typically remain with the higher stat Chancellor’s Honors kids.

You may have already seen this @hokiemama24 but in last year’s UTK 2024 thread there was this below regarding the 1794 Scholars Program and esp. early registration:

“I talked to a friend who goes to UTK and is currently in the 1794 Scholars Program and it’s an Honors program but you can have any major for it. It’s only two years long so you finish it at the end of your sophomore year (but you still keep the honors benefits even after it’s over). The requirements are that you have to get 6 service hours per semester, take a very simple 1 hour GPA booster class in your first semester, and you have to meet some “pillars” but I’ve heard all of this is really easy. Basically the main benefits I’ve heard is that 1) you get to register for your classes before everyone else and 2) you become part of the 1794 LLC which means you get to live in a better dorm (i.e. Brown) than the freshmen dorms.”

And, my impression from different threads is that it may be several more weeks before anyone hears of any additional $$ from the competitive scholarships, since the final deadline for rec letters was only on Jan. 5. I can tell you that my OOS S21 who is accepted into engineering and Chancellor’s Honors hasn’t gotten any sort of notice either. Best of luck to your D21 with all of this!


I don’t know how I missed that, thank you!!

Also, there is a specific pathway from 1794 Scholars to Chancellor’s for those interested.

Congratulation to your son. Haslam waives out-of-state tuition as well as covers in-state tuition, room, and board.

Congratulations! @lovemy2ds is correct. Full tuition, room & board. My thought is that the most valuable aspects of Haslam are the soft opportunities that come along with it. The networking alone could be incredibly beneficial for your son.

My S21 applied but didn’t make semi finalist. Disappointing but not surprised as his stand out EC would have been an in-person internship March-August 2020.