class of 2025 nursing

@srwcmw Do you happen to know if, with schools with DA, they can start into the nursing program later, like after a year or two? We’re going to see a DA school next week so I’ll ask and hopefully whoever is giving us the tour will have that answer for us. Some of these schools are are otherwise good fits for her, so whether or not she gets in DA, they still might be good if she can get into the program later.

@g8rmomk8ans Some schools accept internal transfers to their nursing programs; some don’t. It would be best to ask each school what their policy is.

@g8rmomk8ans thank you! I’m actually in the process of deciding what major. Do you think a bachelor’s degree in psychology will be good for nursing?

@ivslee I would look for something that will give you a lot of good foundation for a nursing degree later. For example, my older daughter wants to go to PA school but there is not a “pre-PA” program at her school, so he had to find a major that would include most of the classes she’d need for PA school, and then has had to pick up additional ones she’ll need. She is Public Health, which would also be great to go into nursing. So for another example, you could major in Psychology and then pick up any extra science classes that might be helpful–Anatomy and Physiology for sure, if that isn’t offered in whatever Psychology program you chose. But as far as going for an ABSN (Accelerated BSN), from what I understand, you could have a degree in pretty much anything–but the more science and nursing-type classes you have in undergrad, the more they’ll carry over into a BSN program afterward. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong–I’m still learning all of this stuff as well!

Hi! Does anyone know how large the BSN program is ASU? How many freshmen start in the Direct Entry BSN program?

You would have to ask them. I know the program I am with caps out at about 100 students per cohort.

Throwing my D21 into the mix. Applying to Direct Admits and one non.

Pitt: accepted
Loyola Chicago
McGill (maybe)
Queens (Toronto)
Suny Binghamton


We would love to hear how all the future nurses make out. Good luck everyone, the countdown to admissions is on!

My S21 is applying to:

Pitt (accepted)
University of Michigan
Case Western University
University of Cincinnati
Miami University

Good luck everyone!

My D21 applied to the following direct admit nursing programs:

Marquette (accepted)
Florida Southern (accepted)
Jacksonville U (accepted)
SIU-Edwardsville (accepted)
Illinois State
University of Minnesota
University of Cincinnati
Case Western

Wishing you all the very best of luck! :smile:

Hi guys! I haven’t been back here in forever but I’m glad people are finding this thread useful! Here are some of my updates

Applied to
(direct bsn)

  • UVA
  • ASU (accepted w/ New American Scholarship)
  • Temple
  • Drexel
  • SDSU
  • Penn State

Going to apply to

  • University of San Francisco
  • Seattle University
  • UCI
  • UCD

My stats aren’t the greatest, so I’m very nervous during this waiting period…

Good luck to everyone applying and waiting for decisions!

My D21 applied to the following direct admit schools:

UTK (Accepted)
Temple (Accepted)
WVU (accepted)
U Pitt (accepted)
U Delaware (accepted)
U Mass - Amherst
U Maine (Accepted)
ASU (Accepted)

Good luck to all…anxiously awaiting the rest of the decisions!

Hey y’all! Good luck to everyone! I am a senior right now and I applied to these direct-admit schools:

Clemson(Accepted w/ scholarship)
Valparaiso University(Accepted w/ Board of Director’s scholarship)
Illinois Wesleyan
Loyola(Accepted w/ Presidential scholarship)
Belmont University(Accepted w/ scholarship)

For reference I submitted a 1480 SAT and a 4.41 WGPA. Hope everyone can get into their dream school :slight_smile:

My dd applied to the following schools:

Xavier (accepted)
St. Louis
Illinois Wesylen
Loyola Chicago
ASU (accepted)
UC Irvine

Being admitted to a direct nursing program in CA is slim to none so my daughter has cast a wide net. I’ve heard of kids with gpas and acts north of 4.3 and 33 respectively being rejected. And now that schools won’t be considering sat or acts it’s all about having the highest gpa.

Good luck to all.

My D21 is currently waiting on her acceptance too. Has heard from a few universities so far.
DA schools were:

  • ASU (accepted)

  • U of Hawaii Manoa (accepted to university but waiting on nursing DE)

  • SDSU

  • CSUF



  • Pt Loma Nazarene

  • Baylor (accepted)

  • UT at Austin

  • Sonoma State

  • Stanislaus

  • U of Arizona (accepted)

She’s happy she’s been accepted to at least one direct entry program and hopeful for maybe two. We live in CA and know that all CA schools will be tough. We won’t know much more until then above until the spring, I believe.

Good luck to everyone!

I left off a school in my previous response so updating below. I hope everyone will come back and update as they start receiving their acceptances! :slight_smile:

Loyola Chicago (accepted)
Marquette (accepted)
Florida Southern (accepted)
Jacksonville U (accepted)
SIU-Edwardsville (accepted)
Illinois State (accepted)
UTK (accepted to university - waiting on nursing decision)
SLU (accepted to university - waiting on nursing decision)
Case Western
University of Cincinnati
University of Minnesota

Update on my D. She has been accepted to York College, Pre-Nursing, which is what they offer for lower stat kids. When we did the virtual open house there, she was even below the threshold for that, so that was a really great surprise. If she goes there, I believe her program becomes 5 years long and she would have to have a minimum GPA in required classes to move into the BSN program. She has not visited the school and feels it will be too big (!!!) but I will be strongly encouraging her to see it in person before writing it off. She did not get offered any kind of nursing at Stevenson, and they said she’d have to take pre-reqs elsewhere and apply as a transfer. So that one is off her list. She was accepted at Wilkes University but I believe they make nursing decisions in the spring. Her top choice at this point is Hood, where they have two rounds of nursing acceptances–one in Dec, for early admits, and one in March. If she gets accepted, she’ll be in the second round of nursing decisions. If she does not make the cut for nursing, she can still start taking those classes and then transfer in, so all hope is not lost there. She’s also very interested in Art Therapy, and they have a pre-professional program for that if nursing didn’t work out. We’re really hoping to hear from Hood soon. For you lower stat applicants, there ARE paths to nursing–it’s just a matter of finding them! Continued good luck to all.

Hello! My D21 has applied for DA schools in CA.


She has a weighted gpa 4.63 and wide array of EC, but not able to take the SAT. I see that these DA programs all seem to be a reach, so trying to figure out a safety route. Has anyone heard anything about Grand Canyon University? I myself am a nurse and truly once you have your license, it really does not matter where you went to school. But I do want her to go where they have a good education and a high pass rate for NCLEX. If it were not for Covid, she would be applying to our local Community College for their ADN program. Due to covid they will not start up again until 2023.Any feedback on GCU would be appreciated. I apologize if there are any typos, this site is still really lagging. Thank you!

Hi everyone! I have applied to 8 nursing schools so far, and I will probably apply to two more. My list is:

UMass Amherst
University of New Hampshire
Endicott College
Saint Anselm
Boston College
Merrimack College (accepted w 25k/year scholarship)
Curry College

Potentially Applying;
Assumption University
Westfield State University

I should hopefully be hearing from several of these schools this month! Good luck to everyone in the process!

With a weighted GPA of 4.63 +EC, the DA schools might not be a stretch for her. She’s likely got a good shot at a CA school.

Good luck!

Thank you! I sure hope so! This whole situation of not being able to take the SAT/ACT makes everything seem even more up in the air!