class of 2025 nursing

Hey all–Class of 2021 mom here with an aspiring direct admit nursing daughter. Goal right now is to try and take an ACT/SAT but we shall see! Here’s her list so far (we are in NJ for reference) (and this list changes about every three hours or so…ha):

University of Iowa
University of Minnesota
University of Tennessee Kville
Miami University
University of Delaware
University of Pburgh

University of Miami
University of South Carolina (not direct admit)

Can’t believe we are here already. Should be an interesting experience for sure!!

Our D’s are looking at some of the similar schools. Such a competitive major, without a test score yet it adds even more pressure. It’s going to be a bumpy, interesting ride for sure.

Hi! Is SDSU BSN program for freshmen a direct entry program? Also, are there any requirements other than the CSU application. Thank you in advance!

@sophiiar. SDSU’s BSN program is a direct admit for Freshman. In the past, you were accepted based on your eligibility index (CSU GPA and test scores). Since CSU’s are test blind this admission cycle, they may consider other criteria. I would keep checking the Nursing website for any updates. Strong grades in your Math and Science are very important.

Nursing stats:

@Gumbymom Thank you so much! I’ll keep tabs on their updates. It was just odd how they’re not requiring a letter of recommendation, supplement app, essay, or an interview for such a competitive program.

@sophiiar: SDSU has never asked for anything additional except what is on the CSU application.

@srwcmw --should be interesting for sure! I’m thinking the Aug SAT here in NJ is most likely a no go…holding out that maybe September will happen? It is what it is!

@sophiiar If i had to guess, they would do an activities list

what are her stats?? i’m looking at similar schools but thinking they might be a reach

hiii! i’m also a rising senior looking at some of those schools but i feel like they are all reach schools considering the direct admit programs are competitive, do you mind sharing stats?? i have a 4.0 gpa weighted and a 28 act, not sure what schools i should go for

I’m anxious to hear what SDSU will be looking for too now that they are test-blind. My overall weighted gpa is 4.5. Is it possible they will only use gpa? I know they receive about 70,000+ applicants

@Gumbymom Thank you so much for the confirmation! Good luck to all the rising seniors out there!!

@NurseStav Thank you so much for the help, I really appreciate it!!

I think SDSU will be using strictly GPA as they did not mention anything about other factors in their email today

@NurseStav Does that mean that easier high school with higher GPA is an advantage now? That is too bad. Wish I send the kid to a different high school :wink:

Hi All-
Just thought I’d check in on all the hopefully future nurses. We are almost there with sending in Apps for EA decisions. Common App is complete, SAT scores are in, just need to link Naviance and Common APP. Hopefully we will be submitting 6 of the 9 below schools by the end of the weekend and the other 3 by next weekend. The hope is to get a couple options for Direct Admit, of course she has her top choices. Here are the schools my D is applying to:

Direct Admit
West Virginia University
University of Tennessee
University of Pittsburgh
Arizona State University
University of Delaware
University of Maine

Non Direct Schools
University of Florida

Good luck to all those applying!

I’m throwing my daughter’s search in here. She is a low GPA student at a competitive DC-area prep school–she’s only got a 2.55 and we are waiting for her ACT which she took two weeks ago–pre-ACT was 26. I doubt she can get into any DA programs so I’m not sure what happens in that case–her schools are all “match” schools so she would likely get in but just in general studies. So what happens in that case–if you get in for general, can you ever get into the nursing program after that? I don’t care how long it takes her to get through as long as she achieves her goals. Her schools are:

VA Wesleyan (does not have nursing at all but has a partnership with a nearby vocational nursing program)
Marymount in Arlington, VA
Arcadia U
Wilkes U
York College
Stevenson U in MD

Wesleyan and Wilkes have given her conditional admission and offered merit aid as well, but obviously not for nursing as she hasn’t even applied formally.

Just thought I’d add a lower stat/still wants to be a nurse student into the mix.

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@g8rmomk8ans good luck to your D. From what I have gathered looking at DA schools for my D, there are plenty of schools out there with nursing that you apply to for your Junior year. These too can be very competitive, but it will give her the opportunity to do well her freshman and sophomore year and still get into nursing. Good luck on your search, I am sure she will find a good match and achieve her goals.

Hey guys I’m also a rising senior with an interest in nursing. With my stats, I don’t believe I’m fit for direct entry nursing. Is there any other way I should go into the nursing path? Like get a degree in a different major first?

@ivslee There are so many different tracks. One of them is to get a bachelor’s degree in something else (ideally health, biology, etc., classes that will help with nursing) and then getting an accelerated BSN after you graduate. It means more schooling, but it’s another path that doesn’t require you to do nursing classes in undergrad and/or allows people who don’t decide on nursing until later to still achieve that degree.