Class of 2026 Nepal

I applied Williams ED.

hi, i applied too. do you have any such requests on your Fin-Aid tab on portal?

I have 3 checklists in my finaid portal wby?

likewise here. anyways, best wishes for Dec 10th.

Bois gals any one of you know who applied to Harvard under REA?

Anyone who applied to Skidmore in ED?

idk but I know someone who got admitted there last year

Do yk that person’s stats, EFC or anything?

mhm yeah she was kinda above average student and was from Nepal. I have no idea about EFC but I guess she got 1420 on sat

if I am not wrong, Skidmore is a little sus with aid for international students.
As far as I know, they only give more aid to African students rather than Asians. So,if you are thinking of doing ED2, I would suggest looking for Colgate, UROCH.
And their min EFC is more than 20k.

He was UWC, Mahindra graduated. Of course, he must have good IB Scores.

Well I applied ED to Skidmore and I’m kinda regretting bout it now

And I heard that Colgate is really stingy with International students. Had a senior from my high school who had a 1540 SAT and straight A* in all subjects in A levels with some really pog ECs but still ended up getting a straight rejection from Colgate in ED just because of his aid demand.

hello can u plz provide me link or where i can get access/contact of harvard admission officer. I couldnt get in the webite.piliz

okay sir Skidmore pauchau tme

Thanks sir

dont worry broski you’ll get skidmore. be hopeful

Any ED acceptances?

Acceptances this year
University of Minnesota Twin Cities- BNKS(2)
Beloit College - BNKS(1)


University of Minnesota Twin Cities- BNKS(2)
Beloit College - BNKS(1)

Grinnell College - RBS(1)

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