Class of 2026 School Recs/Advice/Chance Me

Hello! For some background, I’m currently a rising senior, female, and from socal. I’m looking to do a direct entry bsn program, and for the past few years I’ve been making a list of the colleges I want to go to. Fortunately I don’t have to worry about tuition, but I was hoping for advice on my list of schools/recs for places I might’ve missed. I’m on my phone so I can’t really type out a full profile, but heres a quick summary:

  • Went to one of the top three schools in CA for 7-10, transferred to independent learning/online school for 11-12.
  • 3.9 UW /4.2 W
  • AP Euro, AP Lang, AP Spanish (Will take Calc AB, Bio, Econ/Gov classes, unsure if I’ll take the test)
  • 4 on Euro, 5 on Lang
  • Dual Enrollment Intro to Sociology and American History (Will take DE English)

ECs summary:

Will be student gov vice president senior year
Internship (unpaid, 4 hrs a week) second semester junior year helping to lead a second run of a youth leadership and development program that I participated in during first semester
Virtual mentorship program (paid job, 5hrs a week) for both semesters junior year
Internship (paid, averaged 14 hrs a week) this summer with the team of the LMS our district is switching to this year where we made videos, answered FAQs, gave feedback
the rest of my ECs are important to me but were all short term (eg. cofounded student mental health org and averaged 10 hrs a week until I left after 4 months, joined a program related to mental health and suicide late in first sem so I only went for about two months, etc)

And without further ado, here’s my list!

UCI, UCLA, SDSU, CSUF, NYU, Northeastern, Hunter College, UPenn, PennState

UMass Boston (thinking of EA), MCPHS, Stony Brook (not direct admit), Pace University, Seton Hall, Rutgers, Drexel U

Cypress College (ASN program, 100% acceptance rate and best community college in socal so not a bad backup plan at all)

This ended up being pretty long and although I do have an idea of how difficult it is to get into some of these programs (I’ve got no expectations for any of the schools in socal lol), I don’t know what to expect for the east coast schools. I really want to go to a school in a city like Boston/NYC/Philly since they have decent public transportation and I don’t want to drive if that helps any recommendations :). Thank you in advance for any advice!

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Have you considered Pitt or Temple?

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