Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

You look competitive for all the UC’s listed and being OOS your chances are higher since you will be full pay at $67K/year.

Some UC statistical data below:
2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 37%

UCLA: 38%

UCSD: 78%

UCSB: 81%

UCD: 86%

UCI: 60%

UCSC: 92%

UCR: 97%

UCM: 98%

2020 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range:

UCB: 4.22 (4.13-4.30)

UCLA: 4.25 (4.18-4.31)

UCSD: 4.16 (4.04-4.28)

UCSB: 4.15 (4.03-4.27)

UCI: 4.11 (3.96-4.26)

UCD: 4.10 (3.95-4.25) Updated for 2021

UCSC: 3.94 (3.71-4.16)

UCR: 3.88 (3.65-4.11)

UCM: 3.68 (3.40-3.96)

Admission Rates for Out-of-State Applicants (Domestic):

UCLA: 13.9%

UC Berkeley: 14.1%

UC Santa Barbara: 36.3%

UC Irvine: 74.0%

UC San Diego: 59.3%

UC Davis: 80.8%

UC Merced: 71.8%

UC Riverside: 85.7%

UC Santa Cruz: 82.2%

Best of luck. Just an FYI, the UC’s have reduced the enrollment threshold for OOS applicants so the numbers posted will not reflect this years decision.

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Mine did that for her TA and one other course.

Here it’s mostly CS or CSE as major and UCB (She very much want to study Applied Math at UCB and add an additional major later) and UCSD alone as Applied Math and Math+CS. Her alternate major is EE almost across UCs that accept alternate majors.

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D22 was supposed to submit her UC app today but at the last min, she was not confident on her PIQs. She wants to re-visit all her PIQs. :frowning:

Is there a general order in which UC admission officers like to see the activity list ordered? Should I order my activities by most to least important, or should I group community service, internships etc together?

Just a heads up: there are hundreds of thousands of applications going into the UC computer system. The system has a history of crashing nearer to the deadline. We hope this doesn’t happen this year. She needs to be aware of it. Good luck!

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List by importance within each category type is the best approach.

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Thanks everyone for all the inputs. We submitted our UC and USC applications. Now the waiting period starts…


We are doing UCs application and it says, don’t add TA in “other coursework”

@Gumbymom Any suggestion where to add TA/Peer Tutoring in UC application?


You can put in under Volunteering or EC with an explanation of the TA position. The UC’s are pretty flexible in categorizing the Activities section…

Thank you so much. One other question: the school only gives one final grade for yearly courses, so we selected yearly for the grading system. However, there are some courses that were only one semester long (that also have only one final grade). How do we specify that?

Here is a YouTube Video on how to select multiple terms when entering the academic history.

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We explained TA under the additional comments section. Hope that is okay.

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I am sure that is fine also.

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Thank you so much. Got it now. Really appreciate your quick help.

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After applying will one of the UC portals display the official calculated GPA?

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If the student took Algebra I in 6th grade, does that get counted toward math in middle school? Here, our middle school goes from 6th-8th grade, not just 7th & 8th.

There are 3 UC GPA’s considered during the application review (Unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully Weighted). For the application site, no the UC GPA’s will not be listed only if you do not meet the a-g course requirements or the minimum GPA requirement.

Each UC has their own application portals, but as far as I am aware, none will show all the UC GPA’s required for their comprehensive review. If you are accurate with your transcript entry, the RogerHub UC GPA calculator will display your UC GPA’s.

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If Algebra 1 was taken in 6th grade, then yes it will count towards HS course rigor and the Math course progression. You would enter it under 7th grade.

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Thank you. To be more accurate, in D22’s case in addition to Algebra I in 6th grade, she took Geometry in 7th and Algebra II in 8th grade. Will the application allow for 3 math classes entered for middle school?

I do not believe there is a limit on the # of Math classes entered for 7th and 8th grade on the UC application. Unfortunately I do not have access to this years application so I cannot confirm.

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