Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

Admits. 2021 early admission data is not yet posted. 8% is 2020 data.


Do UC’s require senior year first semester grades to be updated on the application?

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No, the UC’s will not ask for 1st semester Senior grades unless you are selected for an augmented/supplemental review. They expect you to maintain your GPA and HS rigor throughout Senior year based on your in-progress and planned courses listed on the UC application.

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Thank you Gumbymom

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I saw a notification on UC Application’s twitter that they have extended the application deadline for Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz until Jan 7th. This wasn’t the case last year, as only Merced had an extended deadline. This might be pointing to decreased UC applicants overall this year? That would be strange, given the massive uptick in 2021.


Checking the 3 UC websites, it states the UC application deadline has been extended for Transfer applicants only for UCSC and UCR. UCM’s extended deadline is for both Freshman and Transfers. I believe these 3 campuses also extended it last year.


Hi guys. Did any of you receive email from UCB saying to submit letters of recommendation? I am wondering do they select people randomly or is based on the stats?

Here are some of the reasons for the LOR request from UCB. Do not try to ready anything into the request. They just need more information to make an informed admissions decision.

  1. Evidence of focus on an area of special talent which may have limited a student’s time to participate in a broader range of activities.
  2. Evidence of character traits that imply a strong likelihood of making a significant contribution to campus life.
  3. Evidence of significant academic achievement or the potential for academic achievement at the University in spite of extraordinary or compound disadvantage or learning difference, or physical disability or other unusual circumstances.
  4. Evidence of significant improvement in the academic record accompanied by one or both of the following: (1) reasons for the initial poor performance; and (2) sustained and in-depth participation in educational outreach programs, which demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to succeed academically within a challenging environment.
  5. Evidence of relative lack of access to, counseling about, or support to take college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes or required college entrance examinations.

Do the UC’s hold admitted student events/days? If so, would they be spread out throughout April or on consecutive days?

On the off chance S22 is lucky enough to get an acceptance, we’d like to tour the college(s) because we are OOS.

Our experiences have been that they have held “admitted student days” in the past. With Covid, that will, more than likely, change.

Typically, they provided a day of activities based on the entering major and college. They provided the schedule for future “pass” appointments (where you meet to select classes).

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UC Capped GPA varies depending on how many courses the student has signed up for? Our DD has 7 courses (including 4 UC Approved honors per year) with all A’s, but UC Capped GPA is 4.23. If she took only 6 courses per semester her UC Capped GPA goes up to 4.3. You need to look at UC Capped GPAs and the total credit hours together as a metric. Not just the UC Capped GPA.

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I wondered about that, thank you. Having completed 235 units, my D22 began her senior year with a weighted academic GPA of 4.6744 and a UC capped GPA of 4.23, as well. I don’t have a mind for math but appreciate your explanation.

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That is why gumbymom points out they also consider the fully weighted gpa


Yes, the more a-g classes taken beyond a threshold, the lower the Capped weighed UC GPA becomes but the UC’s consider all 3 UC GPA’s.

The Capped weighted UC GPA is the common GPA posted on the UC Freshman profiles however it is mainly used to determine UC eligibility and also as a way of evening out the playing field so to speak for applicants that do not have access to UC approved Honors, AP/IB or CC/DE classes.


When they’ve had them in the past, they were all generally on 2, maybe 3, consecutive Saturdays. So there are always several on the same day.

Are classes taken at a 4-year college out of California (while student is in high school) counted in the UC GPA?

If the University classes are UC transferable, then yes they will be calculated into the UC GPA. Since there is no articulation agreement with OOS colleges for the UC’s, an applicant would have to try and figure out if they could be transferable using the a-g course descriptions and the California community college website:

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Some schools already have dates on their websites.

UCSD - April 2 - Triton Day

UC Davis - April 9 - Aggie Day (formerly Decision Day) - They are planning on both in person and virtual.
If you can’t make that, Picnic Day - April 23 - is a big open house for the entire community. They are planning on doing an in person Picnic Day this year. If you plan on attending Picnic Day, book hotels now because they sell out quickly for that weekend.

UCSB - April 9 - Open House

UCR - April 9 - Highlander Day. Blog update noting that it is an in-person, on campus event.

UCLA - April 9 - Bruin Day

UCI - April 16 - Open House

UCSC - I don’t think UCSC has a formal open house but, in the past, they have offered tours and admitted student sessions on weekends in April.

UCM - April 23 - Bobcat Day

UCB - April 23 - Cal Day news. Engineering Cal Day may be followed by a week of virtual activities

Not a UC but many students apply to SLO as well. SLO’s open house will be April 7-9. That will be a busy weekend for visiting colleges.


Thank you. This is super helpful as we try to anticipate spring break and April. Though UC’s are reaches so who knows what spring will bring…

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@Gumbymom - Any idea of the importance of getting an invite for UCLA Alumni scholarship?
Does it mean you are one of the top applicants? How are these invitees selected?
Any correlation to being likely for admission?