Class of 2027 scholarships

I don’t see a specific thread for this yet. Has anyone heard about PT, DHS or other scholarship awards for fall 2023? What about Stamps? From what I read on here in prior years, Stamps interview requests came after people were notified of other scholarships. I did see one comment on a thread that someone got a Stamps interview offered this week. Anyone else? Thanks!


No word yet here, my daughter applied to Dean’s Honors and Paul Tulane.

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Curious as well. No word yet.

Hopefully soon! Late February, right?


The last two years they were notified the first week to wFebruary. Had my hopes up :joy: but since February is over in a few days, yeah I guess it should be soon. Has anyone heard of Stamps interview offers going out already? I thought in the past they came after the other scholarship norifications.

Do you think next week for scholarship notification?

“Someone on Reddit” spoke with an admissions officer who said late Feb/early March, so that sounds like next week!

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I just called and they said middle of March :disappointed::disappointed:

Noooooooooo :joy:
Do you know if they’ve already offered Stamps interviews?

Well, that’s later than expected! But I guess good to know what to expect.

Thank you for calling.

My daughter is a current junior Stamps. Her year and the next year the Stamps interview letters came out AFTER PT/DHS notifications. Which was kinda stupid, because we got a no on those, and my kid could have committed to another school, because while you hope for a Stamps you don’t plan on a Stamps, and a no on DHS/PT would indicate a no on Stamps, right?
But I did see the one comment in that other thread about a Stamps interview offer. I reached out in messages to that person to see if they wanted info, but they didn’t reach back.
It would be nice if they changed things and notified Stamps first.

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I called the school too. Was also told mid-March, that it’s taking longer than expected but they’re doing a very thorough review. She confirmed no Stamps interview requests have gone out yet.


Last year, did they notify this late?
On 2019 the Paul Tulane notification came end of January.


From what I read on the forum, the last couple of hears has been end of Jan/very beginning of Feb. The website says by end of Feb, but they confirmed today it’s taking longer than planned and will be a couple more weeks.

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I just called admissions. They said it should be out by tomorrow.


Thank you

Any idea what time?

So they did at least one round of interviews for Stamps because my child was interviewed. They said they’d be doing a second round and that’s the last we heard so not feeling hopeful there. They said based on being a top candidate for either PTA or DHS (applied to both). This wait is killing us! Hopefully today :woman_shrugging: