class of o9: who's still torn between ED/EA possibilities??

<p>Bioscience</a> and Business at Penn - Life Sciences and Management at University of Penn</p>

<p>Ea is early action and non-binding, ed is early decision which is binding. </p>

is it true that for ea your grades have to be good while ed they care less about your grades?


<p>So, wait, now i'm confused. Can you apply to one school SCEA and one school EA? Because that would solve a lot of my problems...</p>

<p>kb -- No, you can't. The "S" in SCEA stands for SINGLE choice early action (meaning it's the only one you're applying to).</p>

<p>no. u can only apply to one SCEA school, period. you can apply to as many EA schoosl as you want, and perhaps along with an ED school as well if they allow it</p>

<p>You have to look at the rules each school has. It has become crazy. And things change year to year. THere was a time EA at GT could be combined with other earlies, now no more. In such cases, you can combine with rollings.</p>

<p>oh, darn. well, thanks anyway.</p>

<p>So torn!</p>

<p>Probably either Brown ED or Penn ED--I love them both for different reasons, I would probably pick Brown if I got into both reg, but I love Penn and know I have a better shot at getting in.</p>