<p>How important is class rank in the admissions process? </p>
<p>My counselor says that it doesn't really matter what rank you are as long as you're in the top 10% but I'm not so sure. What do you think.</p>
<p>How important is class rank in the admissions process? </p>
<p>My counselor says that it doesn't really matter what rank you are as long as you're in the top 10% but I'm not so sure. What do you think.</p>
<p>Both class rank and test scores have a great effect on admissions decisions. The higher your rank, the higher your chance of admission. However, class rank is simply not going to get you in. I believe something like 50% of valedictorians are not accepted. Vey strong class rank and test scores get you in the door and ensure that your application will be looked at closely; however, you need strong extracuriculars, awards, background etc. to be accepted. If you’re in the top 10% but not at the very front of the class, you can still get in, it will just be a lot harder. The rest of your application will need to be especially strong to stand out.</p>
<p>We’ll see in a couple weeks how my class rank works out for me. It’s not so hot ;)</p>