Class Ranking

<p>I go to high school in Orlando, FL, in a class of about 400. I have a 1490 SAT (I took this in my sophomore year and am attempting to get in the 1500s this weekend) and a 35 ACT (36 Superscored). I have all A's with about 12 AP Classes (So far, I have five 5's and one 4) and would be Salutatorian of my class at the end of my year. I have numerous extracurriculars, including student government, honor societies, spirituality/religious organizations, and varsity athletics. I am interested in medicine, and have shadowed a Pediatric Ophthalmologist in his office and in the NICU at the hospital. I have also participated in a research lab at the University of Miami with a professor at the school.</p>

<p>For the past three years, the school has not ranked its students (someone outside of the top 100 complained about the system). A few of the top students have been thinking of petitioning for class ranking to be provided. How much of a bearing does this hold on Ivy League schools? I am applying to Brown's PLME program and Harvard's undergrad, and the website dropped by percentage for Brown by about 40% when I changed my profile from Salutatorian to "Does Not Rank." At the moment, I am ranked number 3 but will tie with a #2 student by the end of the year. Though I am reluctant to believe this has such an influence on acceptance, I also cannot see my school changing its system, especially in October when counselor evaluation forms have already been submitted.</p>


<p>Many highly academic high schools (and especially private schools) don’t rank.</p>

<p>From the description of your high school (in terms of the number of APs offered) it would be well known to selective colleges. Your GC will mark your transcript in terms of rigor of courses taken (presumably most rigorous). The colleges will compare your grades to other students (present and past) from your school, and hey’ll know that your grades are exceptional. Your AP scores will serve to validate the rigor of the classes. They don’t need a “rank” to figure out where you stand.</p>

<p>Yes, my school is private. I was looking at the admissions information for Brown and Salutatorian acceptance is around 18%, while that of “Non-Ranked” is 11%. This was my reason for concern, but it sounds like it will not be a huge set-back. Thanks for your response!</p>

<p>When schools don’t rank they give colleges enough info to rank you. Often, in addition to the grade distribution data, counselors tell college who is top of class. Colleges even have formulas to rank kids from schools that send them lots of applicants. Ask your counselor how she’ll handle. If you know your rank, you can also tell colleges.</p>