Class Registration?

<p>Phsyics is soo much fun (<em>sarcasm</em>).. and to anyone taking it next semseter, take my advice and stay AWAY from Thomson.. just trust me on that one.</p>

<p>To anyone considering Comm as a major- the intro classes are <em>really</em> a pain in the butt- both to get into, because we get all the stupid people trying to fulfill requirements because they think comm is just watching TV... and then whilst taking them, because both professors are the epitome of BORING. I highly suggest taking an upper level class as well, so you get a better feel of the major (Any one is usually good, but particularly Comm & Children, Intro PoliComm or anything taught by Katherine Sender)</p>

<p>Good question on the labs, not sure how that one will work...</p>

<p>I'm surprised nobody has pointed this site out to you all yet (including myself)... I would highly recommend not registering for any class until you check out this website. It's called the Penn Course Review, and basically has ratings of all of the professors and classes by students who have taken them. The site is slightly behind in putting up last year's data, and the site has had some problems in the past (student government was supposed to be fixing this last year; I'll have to ask my branch what's up with it when I get back on campus), but it is still an EXCELLENT resource for finding good/bad classes/professors. A bad professor can completely ruin a good course, and a good professor can draw you in to ANY subject... so I'd highly recommend using this.</p>

<p>The Link:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>yeah i saw this on the penn website......was kinda confused what number should I really be alarmed??? is a 2.14 OK??? or on the bad side????</p>

<p>btw, u can also use the's also way behind....based on students voluntary submissions so one rating might be old while others are up-to-date</p>

<p>Yeah, the Penn Course review is usually the best source for info about teachers (aside from talking to someone who took the class already). On the last day of class everyone is required to fill out the survey so you know you're getting the opinion of the majority of the class, not just a few people (like on</p>