Class Rigor for Scholarships?

It’s early in our college search, but D20 is interested in possibly attending UA for college (she would love to play in the Million Dollar Band). She is currently in all honors and AP courses, but is considering dropping down to non-honors math, because her honors math teacher isn’t the greatest. I’m wondering, for non-resident scholarships and the GPA requirements, does UA consider class rigor? In other words, could a student get a 3.5 or above in all non-honors courses - with the needed SAT or ACT scores - and still qualify for scholarships like the Presidential?

It appears so, from the UA website no mention of class rigor.

Thanks @CU123!

“Could a student get a 3.5 or above in all non-honors courses - with the needed SAT or ACT scores - and still qualify for scholarships like the Presidential?” Agree - Yes - not all high schools offer honors courses. Of course, the GPA requirement for the Presidential could be raised in the next year or so (but seems unlikely).

@amy9998 thank you for the info! My daughter will be happy to switch to the non-honors math class with the better teacher.