Classes in music production if you are a science major

<p>My son is interested in UMiami. I’ve got two questions for anyone who is kind enough to answer.</p>

<li>His likely major would be marine science or neuroscience. However, he is also extremely interested in music production. What I mean by that, to give a little background, is that he plays a couple of intruments a little bit, taught himself guitar, etc. but has bought himself a used board, you know, one of those keyboards that samples tunes and mixes them etc.?</li>

<p>So he would like to be able to complete requirements for a science major, but then also take classes in producing hip-hop and pop music. Producing in the hip-hop sense that is.</p>

<p>Is that possible? I have read the music school site and it seems as though the classes there are many of them for music majors only.</p>

<p>If it makes a difference, S has v. high test scores and grades, so has been told he would be eligible for a substantial, maybe even full ride scholarship. Do kids in those programs have any more leeway in course selection?</p>

<li>Does UMiami work with the Miami Herald and offer internships? He is also interested in sports writing. It’s the combination of science and music and journalism that has him so interested. That and the Latin cultural influence.</li>

<p>Thanks in advance for any advice.</p>

<p>He can most likely minor in Music Industry but you should check with the Music dept. to be sure.</p>

<p>Alu-I don't have any experience in this area, but I will tell you that the best info we got on UM was during a regional interview with an admissions counselor here in our home state. S was able to establish a great relationship with the counselor who even noted when we were planning on visiting campus and unexpectedly showed up at the start of our tour to say hello and give my S some more literature on one of his interests. It was this type of personal attention that sold us on the school.</p>

<p>If there aren't any regional interviews planned in your area, I would have your S make contact with the rep and ask these questions. You will get official answers and they will see he is really serious about researching what UM can offer him. I think that can only help the quest for the top scholarship.<br>
<a href=",1770,2613-1;40860-3,00.html#CA%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,2613-1;40860-3,00.html#CA&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>OK. We did visit and the admissions office was really nice and the rep spent half an hour with us talking. She's the one who mentioned the scholarship. Then when we went over to Rosenstiel one of the grad students gave us a little tour around. In other words, we also had a great experience of personal attention. So I will remind him to talk with to the California rep when he comes out - I am pretty sure S's high school has UM come and present.</p>

<p>my-3-sons - do you happen to know what life is like at UM for the kids who win the scholarships? Are there events that bring them together? Or are they scattered throughout the school kind of hoping no one knows who they are:).</p>

<p>Unfortunately for our wallet:(, I don't know if there are any events specifically for the top scholarship winners. There is a weekend in the spring for the top scholarship candidates that I remember someone here attending last year.</p>

<p>I just found this, check it out.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>Merit scholarship awardees (whether full, 2/3 or half scholarship) do not appear to attend events together but...
Honors college students can take certain seminar courses together.
Invited at the end of the summer to join the "Honors' Student's Association where I believe there are activities for them. There was a reception during orientation for them.
Foote fellows are invited to live on a floor together and be roomed with another Foote Fellow.
Special seminar course open only to Foote Fellows. (Don't know if there wil be more arfter Freshmen year.)
Feel free to PM me for info. My son is just starting out (freshman) but I'll be happy to share all I know.</p>

<p>I would definitely check with the music department. My cousin graduated from UM with a degree in Music Business (now this was 9 or 10 years ago) and she had to audition prior to being accepted into the program. She had no performance desire, but even only going into the business side she had to at least play an instrument. She played clarinet in the Band-of-the-Hour for two years, and she had had some piano lessons. I can't say for sure whether this has changed or not, but it would need to be checked out for sure.</p>

<p>I too, don't believe that regular scholarship recipients have to attend events together, but I honestly believe they do end up doing so. I know son met a lot of kids on scholarship one way or another. </p>

<p>Also some of son's classes were "honor's" classes even though he himself didn't join the honor's student association. </p>

Mom of a UM alum.....</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. S does play an instrument, several actually, but none particularly well:). What he does is make music on a soundboard. Do you think that would count? In an audition? Or he can sing, if they want to hear um, like, Snow Patrol or something...or hip-hop.</p>

<p>I did see a notice in the Hurricane for a mandatory event for the Hammond Scholarship winners. This is a merit based full tuition URM scholarship, so there may be something for the Singer winners. As far as the other sholarship recipients, I think there are just too many and there has never been any special event since S has been there.</p>

<p>It would be nice if your S could fit some music classes in. I would think it would be a nice break from all those science classes.</p>

<p>I took a look at the Foote Fellows page. Says they are exempted from the general education requirement of the university. Now if I can just figure out what that means:).</p>

<p>All schools (as far as I know) have general requirements to graduate besides the courses in your major.<br>
i.e. English class, Math class, Language, Humanities, whatever it is.</p>

<p>The Foote Fellows do not have to take any mandatory courses or courses from specific departments other than those requirements in their field of major. That frees up the schedule to take courses they are interested in or to try something new, which is encouraged.</p>

<p>All students, Foote Fellows or not, will have opportunity to take other courses they like, like Music. In your sons case, if a Foote Fellow, it really gives you time to take a second major or pick up a minor as you have the time to do it.</p>

<p>Did you call the Music Dept adviser yet to find out if your son can take classes in the dept. if not a major/minor?</p>

<p>Thanks crazed. I am going to get S to make the call/email the regional rep etc. BTW I did send you a PM - thanks for the offer for more info.</p>

Did you get my PM back? It was pretty lengthy. I pressed reply, then when I went on to do site it said I wasn't logged in and there was no way to check to see if it was actually sent to you or not. Let me know or I'll try to PM you with info again.</p>

<p>Didn't get it:(.</p>

Just sent 2. See if they went through this time. On my end they show that they were sent.</p>

<p>Yes! Thanks so much.</p>