Classes Senior Year?

Hi all,

I’m a high school junior currently in AP Statistics. I took AP Calc BC the year before and Pre-Calc HP in freshman year. I opted to skip out of our school’s Geometry equivalent in eighth grade, and was told by my counselor yesterday that I need a Geometry prerequisite to apply to UCs. I’ve also been told that if I complete Geometry using a program our school offers (which I could technically complete in a month and get the credits), there are literally no math classes for me to take senior year. Does anyone have any advice? As someone with relatively good stats and thinking of applying to Ivies and Ivy-equivalents next year, I feel that if I opt out of taking math (because of the literal absence of classes to take), colleges (especially Ivies) won’t view this favorably.

My counselor did tell me that community college classes were an option, but the thing is that 1) our school has a 6 seat-based class rule where we HAVE to be at school for six periods minimum, so I won’t get school credit for any college classes, and 2) the local community college has a wack schedule, so I don’t know when I could take math/science classes.

Anyone on here got any answers? Will my lack of math in senior year count against me even if its not my fault?

How about an on-line Math course during a study period at your HS?