Classes to take freshman year?

<p>Hi, I'm planning a neurobiology major, and I'm not sure what class to take my freshman year. I got a 5 on the AP Bio test, but that was sophomore year, and so I'm not sure if it would benefit me to bank on how much I actually remember from that class. I want to take bio and chem, but I don't know what classes you generally take a freshman for science majors....any advice?</p>

<p>Look at the suggested courses for majors on the UW website. Time to familiarize yourself with it. There are 3 different general chemistry courses depending on your background. There is an Honors Biocore sequence that requires Organic Chemistry. It is likely you could get your AP credits along with taking a general Zoology or Botany course at UW. The website should delineate pathways for the major. Also- your SOAR advisor will be helpful in helping you decide which math and science courses to start with. There are always many different paths to any major- despite the thousands of students I doubt any two will have taken the exact same courses by graduation.</p>

<p>btw- if your intention is Medical School you should look at the premed links for required courses for most medical schools. I just looked up majors and departments on the UW website- I don’t see a neurobiology major listed. Neurosciences is part of the Medical School. Check on the various biological majors in Ag and Life Sciences and L&S. Do your research/homework!</p>

<p>Thank you, I will look into all of your suggestions! </p>

<p>Neurobiology itself is not a major, but within the biology major, you can pursue an evolutionary biology option or a neurobiology option. I will be sure to consider the pre-med requirements as well. Thank you for your input! </p>