<p>I'm trying to help one of my friends get out of Syracuse. She's looking for more challenging classes and a larger classics department. Any suggestions - more names to look at?</p>
<p>So far:
Fordham - Lincoln
BU (she holds a strange grudge against this one, so she's not going to apply)
BC (she has heard preppy stereotypes against the ppl there, so...)
NYU (fin aid is a point of order)
Villanova (must wait till after 2 semesters, so this isn't really a thought now)</p>
<p>Other points:
-She likes cities and being near a city.
-She is Catholic and is looking for community. I don't think that means a Catholic community, necessarily, but it's a factor.
-96.3 average in high school, old SAT 620 verbal 620 math
-compared to this board, normal, uneventful ECs</p>