Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

Seemed seems to be a lot of false post to me it could be kinds who are just messing around people yesterday on this app said they got on yeasterday no one has sent a screen shot of email from yesterday or today so I think it’s all bogus

Not sure how this flies with popular opinion, but Im starting to take issue with the “SAT optional” current state of admissions. Thankfully my son (4.1w, 1330 Sat) has already been accepted to his top two options, but it was frustrating to see him get denied from UMD (our home state school and my alma mater,) while others were posting admitted with the same GPA but test optional (bc in their words “they couldn’t crack 1150”).

I DO NOT think the SAT is the end all/be all for success in college (or life in general,) but I do think it shows some set of data that differentiates students of equal GPA.


I very much agree with you.

I take issue with this. My D got into NC State, UNC, Clemson and UTenn going test optional. These schools obviously see her application in totality and agree with the performance and stats therein.

You have the option to use that strategy or….not.


I agree with you as well. My kid got a similar score with no prep and submitted it everywhere. I just think it shows that his grades are not inflated. I’ve never understood the “he doesn’t test well” excuse. Then how does your kid have a 4.0? Do they not take tests in high school?


Go back and read this thread. Kids signing up for tests only to have them canceled multiple times… It’s was not the same for everyone.


I agree 100%. The SAT/ACT are the main effective way schools have to compare students from different schools. The test optional trend is ridiculous IMHO.


Totally disagree with this. My DD has 4.2 all AP classes and took the SAT right before the pandemic hit and was only able to score about 1260. She does very well in all her class and maintained all A’s last semester. I believe it is individualized and each child tests differently. I do not believe the SAT sets anyone apart at that level of curriculum.


If your child is on ZEEMEE please tell them to not believe all these fake I just got in post people are playing pranks , no proof of they got email today or those that claimed they got in yesterday many seem like bots or fake accounts


Not to mention there are some who can and DO pay up to $400 per hour for SAT prep.


I think that’s a different situation but it seems to be limited to a few states and AO’s are well aware of which areas had tests cancelled. We are in MA and had no trouble getting test sites. My S was happy with his score so he only took it once but had friends who took it multiple times.

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Agree with you. I saw same in daughters friends. Also a MD resident. I know some who had same GPA and got in with no test scores and I know they had much lower than a 1330. I mean that is a good score! Crazy!!! I’m sorry. So disappointing. Good luck with Clemson!


I am certainly not saying no one should be admitted that went TO. In fact, your daughter perhaps had stats that would have gotten her admitted regardless, and my post was not to speak to any specific child/situation. That said, in some situations I think it can be detrimental to those who have equal GPA, but a test score lower or close to the 50% mark. I have been told by a friend in college admissions that some schools are deferring to the TO student (equal other areas–gpa, ec, etc.) in order to maintain a better/higher average SAT score on their data set. Colleges are bureaucratic, so while I’m sure they would deny it, I could certainly see it being true.

We live in Maryland. An extremely “covid shut-down” state. It was definitely available for students that wanted to pursue testing.

Again, this is not a blanket statement regarding all TO children, just that there are downsides to this policy (and any policy) that should be considered that I’m not sure are currently being discussed.


Thanks, he’s actually already decided on another school, so we can just watch this one with no pressure. lol.

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Lucky you!!! I wish she would decide.

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This is meant with no disrespect to other states, but in CA, the option to actually sit for a test more than once, before submitting any EA or priority apps, was extremely difficult. Tests were cancelled if available at all, forcing many to travel out of state to take one. We talk about the privilege of hiring test prep, how about the privilege of being able to fly/hotel stay to take the test?
We are still wearing masks for sports, indoors/outdoors at school, required to covid test weekly, etc. Hopefully nearing the end of our state of emergency, but we’re still in Covid over here. It’s been tough.


Good luck to everyone! I’m following because D23 and D24 loved Clemson when we visited in November so I may be here next year.

FWIW, the admissions people told us at our visit that while TO was an option, they wanted to see WHY you were TO. Um… because waves hands at the world? But yeah. Strange times to apply to college.


I agree about showing why you didn’t take it. In my school and district the test was available multiple times. Also my kids school made it optional to submit their grades…there is no way you can convince me that a kid getting straight As would submit pass/fail.


A majority of test centers were repeatedly cancelled each month citing COVID, i.e. Southern California. Many last minute or days prior to. Those kids that were able to take it, were able to afford to fly or travel out of state ie. Utah etc. to take it that is where there was still some spaces available. Not exactly equitable nor convenient for many students. Also UC system amongst many other T-1 colleges no longer considering standardized tests. To learn more on this, check out One more thing to add there were schools my son wanted to apply to but could not required SAT i.e. FSU, UF, UGA.


Everybody wants what puts their kid at an advantage