Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026


Do you know approximately how many students attend summer session? And do they all take the same classes? Will they live in the same dorm and have the same roommate as they will in the fall or do they move?

Was wondering this as well. Iā€™m really considering summer session because Clemson is my dream school. I just donā€™t understand how the whole roommate thing will work. Do we need to find roommates for summer? Do we have those same roommates in the fall? Also, I know I donā€™t want to be that far from home for my last summer before college. Are we able to come home ever even if itā€™s just a few days? Lots of questions, sorry!

Mary_DeMilia has your son considered LSU? Great engineering/cs dept. The application is still open and they give very generous merit to OOS.


Iā€™m going to look thank you for the tip!

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DD got in!
Test Optional
4.2 W/4.0 UW
Landscape Architecture
Plenty of EC, varsity sport, work, etc
No mention of merit (wasnā€™t expecting it)
Opted to submit common app essay and all recommendations

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FYI-I am an engineer from Clemson and agree with willbranā€™s suggestion.

I think you can have a different roommate/dorm for fall.

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Itā€™s a few hundred students for summer. They live in high rises, I believe. Your summer roommate would not be your fall roommate unless thatā€™s what you wanted to do. My daughter had already found a roommate last year for fall but she was a fall admittance. So she found another roommate for summer bound. There is a Facebook page for each class and kids can get in there and meet other students in advance. My daughter spent a few weeks getting to know people and then found her roommate. Since both of them were in state they met up over summer twice and hit it off. They will place you with someone but itā€™s definitely worth trying to meet some people in advance. The summer program is not the whole summer either. Itā€™s 5 weeks if I remember correct.


Thank you so much. This is very helpful!!

I think it is important to post updates on CC even when the results are not what you wanted. So here it goes for us. Daughter OOS NJ waitlisted. 3.9UW, varsity soccer, travel soccer team captain, national honors society, test-optional (1260). It will come down to PITT and JMU with accepted student visits at those schools. Best of luck to all! And hope that Clemson is a great experience for those who got in.


Daughter was accepted, Business Major!
Ranked Top 7% in her class: 50 out of 750
Submitted SAT: 670 RW/720 Math
UW GPA: 3.94. Weighted: 6.50
Will have taken 11 APā€™s and one DE Class by graduation
Varsity Tennis Captain
Trained at a highly competitive level (tennis) from ages 11-16 until the pandemic hit. Played tennis tournaments for the USTA and ranked in the top 100 in the state of FL.
Part time job for the past 20 months at the same restaurant.
FBLA club/Parliamentarian.
100+ Community Service hours
Wrote a strong personal statement essay that helped paint a picture of who she has grown up to be compared to who she was when she started playing tennis.
I believe that taking four years of Spanish may have given her an advantage since many kids either donā€™t take a language or stop after their schools minimum requirement.

Daughter also visited in November and took an official tour as well as attending a virtual session back in September. She applied on 8/15- Clemson is her first choice and itā€™s been a long wait! Praying scholarship money is enough. It not hopeful based on what I have read.

Congratulations to all who are excited to be admitted to Clemson and biggest hugs to those who are disappointed- especially to those whose stats and extracurriculars are more than competitive!


My D got the Bridge Program.

3.8 UW and TO
Undeclared major
Varsity Captain
8 years of club sport
Volunteer work
Summer job that ties in with volunteering

As far as SC schools go, she was accepted to UofSC (business major). Itā€™s looking like the better option.


My opinion only but I would do Bridge. The students are now housed on campus and no one even really knows that you are Bridge versus regular. Clemson is a better school and I predict they have a better job placement rate. They have a robust career department. Bridge gets filled up super quick.

Thanks so much for the info. Very helpful.

Sons stats:
3.8 UW, 4.1W, SAT 1320 (submitted), OOS, business major. 2 varsity sports, captain of one. Part time job. Started a small business. Not many other ECā€™s. Accepted for summer start.

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Does anyone have info on how to appeal the bridge program?

D rejected, OOS applicant. 3.99 GPA (4 AP, 2DE, ~12 H), submitted 27 ACT (probably not the right decision), good ECs and work experience, accepted to schools with similar stats (in our minds, as least, such as UW-Madison). Who knows!? My mantra has been ā€œcollege applications are not for the faint of heart.ā€ Congrats to those accepted. Slightly less painful than other rejections, given OOS tuition.


I think itā€™s really important to note that Admissions puts a lot of weight on where an applicant went to high school so equal stats may not be equal in their eyes. They have a pretty detailed profile on the difficulty of the curriculum at individual high schools. GPA, class rank, coursework choices, etc. are taken into account with those profiles as guides.


The bridge program will fill up pretty quick. I would accept the bridge and appeal afterwards. You can explain that you are willing to take the bridge because you want to be at Clemson but offer some reasons why summer-bound or full fall should be considered. Someone at Clemson told me this also shows you are willing to do what it takes to be at Clemson. Find something to talk about not already in your original application. In previous years, we have known kids that missed bridge because they delayed accepting. Also have seen someone win appeal and get bumped into summer. Better have a well thought out request, however.

it is all so crazy, my daughter accepted to Clemson and deferred to UW-Madison. and UW is probably her first choice, wanna trade? :joy:



One AO put it this way. The course rigor/grades (in respect to school profile) with the recommendations, EC, and essay make the main body for decision making. SAT/ACT/AP score is just the sprinkles, but cannot make up if the main body is not what they are looking for.

Who knows what they are looking for? Each college looking for something else. So, the kid makes it into one and not the other, for no obvious reason to the outsider.