Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

Thank you I’m hoping my daughter will accept. Just not what she was expecting. Sounds like a good opportunity to me!

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Congrats on the Clemson admissions!! It seems to be the year of the deferral, such as for your one son. That seems like there is still a great deal of hope??

Also, my daughter and I have an ongoing joke that every rejection letter or deferral references the “record breaking applications numbers.” This is one time where I would prefer for her not to be record breaking.


Hope it comes through for her in the next round!!

I’ve also been told that a major factor in admittance is number of college credits a student can potentially enroll with from DE, IB, AP. If an applicant can come in with a significant number of credits, then Clemson feels comfortable they can graduate in four years. Graduating a student in four years increases the university’s national rankings which in turns gets them more and better qualified applicants AND potentially gets them more funding from the state of SC.

Was also told that once schools began so much of the Covid era online curriculum, the personal statement became much more of a factor when it had not previously been that big of a deal. It became that “it” factor that could really pull up a kid with lesser stats. (As long as it wasn’t about how you dealt with the Covid challenge because that wasn’t anything that set you apart from anyone else.)

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Congratulations. My son was accepted as well but I didn’t see a mention of scholarship except that financial aid would be released mid-March. Do you mind expanding on what the letter said about the scholarship your daughter received?

Does that really exist? Could be? Maybe? She had enough credits to be considered a 2nd semester sophomore because of all the AP and transferable technical school credits she had. Don’t know just mind boggling. She is blessed to have multiple great options where she was accepted. Worse case scenario if she still has her heart set on Clemson she can always transfer in later. To any of the kids who got wait listed or denied don’t give up not the end of the road if Clemson is truly your dream college there are ways to still go.

Not saying this is not true but my daughter was wait listed with enough credits to be a sophomore and possibly 2nd semester Soph.

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My D specifically applied for Summer Start because she had heard such good things about it from other people who also did it. Five weeks, you meet lots of other freshman, learn your way around campus, and an easy way to establish a strong starting GPA. Plus, she was just really ready to begin her college career.

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Ugh - hate that. I’m sure it’s definitely not the only factor, just something they look at strongly. You just never know what it is that sets one application apart from another.

I 100% agree. My daughter was accepted and has strong stats BUT i believe her essay likely put her over the top (she has also been admitted to U of Miami).

She really worked hard on it, draft after draft, until it became a clear story of her growth from a painfully shy adolescent to a strong and confident leader after years of competitive tennis training. Learning to win humbly, lose gracefully and emerge as a respected captain and leader. But the middle of the essay is where she shined, in my opinion.

I am writing this not to brag, but to hopefully help future Clemson applicants bring their application to the next level. Take your essay seriously; it could be the difference maker!


That’s great to hear about the Summer Start program. Now that we have heard more about it, I’m pretty excited for it. My boys still have some other schools to hear from before making a final decision but I know Clemson is top 3 for both. I think the SS would be the perfect way to start your college career, but I’m not the one going to college :slight_smile:

Wow - that’s crazy. I love Clemson, but Chapel Hill is a completely different level school! If she got in there, I can’t even imagine what didn’t work for Clemson.


I have a tiger and a badger. Very different. Good luck!

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Are you from wisconsin?

We are in NJ–my son has very similar stats and was rejected. First rejection he has gotten, so on to the next…

Wonder if there will be any admitted student days? Right now they are only showing tours, all outdoors, which doesn’t seem like enough to fly down there for, but probably will if it’s the only option. Travel options are limited due to spring sports so need to plan something soon of we are going to visit.

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Excellent! The Essay should be seen as `extra credit in the eyes of the applicant! Meaning! You get extra points if you deliver a compelling story!!

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In state NC?

That’s good to know. Thank you!

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No but lived there many years. We are in VA, so OOS for both.