Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

It means they have limited space and can only take a certain number of applicants. For example, nursing is limited to around 180 applicants because of clinical requirements. Sports communication is the most restricted with only about 20 applicants accepted each year.


Don’t think Clemson considers ethnicity.

join some parent fb pages- clemson parent class of 2026, etc
 lots of info about Bridge Program there! Also- two of my nephews went through that program! One is now a sophomore at Clemson, the other is now in grad school there! Go tigers and congratulations to your student! It’s basically a Clemson acceptance with condtions! :slight_smile:

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I asked admissions (Evan McDow, @clemsonadmissions_evan on insta) this question yesterday- they said they won’t release application #s until the application deadline which is May 1
 but he also told me they have already received more applications than ever before and the most highly qualified applicants to date
 so I’m feeling really thankful that my daughter was admitted!


Some of you parents are real pieces of work. None of us know ALL pieces to a students application. “Stats” are only part of what they look at! We didnt read their essays, we dont know their volunteer experience or what their recommendation letters said!! The AOs did! And colleges dont place the highest weight on test scores because stats show they arent the best indicator of how kids will do in college. The person who said they are “sprinkles on top” is right! Complaining on here that your kid is SO much better than other kids who got in, without knowing anything more than what you’ve “heard” about those other kids is just ignorant, so please stop!


3.98 unweighted GPA, 1320 SAT, 5 varsity sports (captain), 5 APS, National Honors Society Member, High School Ambassador, and in state. Any insight?


1st choice - business, 2nd - undecided

Why don’t you scroll on instead of adding shame to some peoples grief. Forums are sometimes for venting. People get disappointed. Some have points. Some don’t. Wrist slapping sour grapes is just mean.


Per Clemson’s common data set last year, they offered 5,154 waitlist spots, 2,580 accepted, 798 were admitted.

Looks very solid. I assume not top 10% but in top quarter? Seems like you’ll have a good outcome.

Generally CS and engineering are the impossible majors where 1400+ is a must.

I sure hope so. I was mainly just confused by the decision. Thanks for the input.

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If your belief is that these forums are for venting by means of tearing down other kids, by a teacher? I have to respectfully disagree. I very much understand the disappointment! I have been in the same position, one of my older kids took harder classes and had higher “stats” than some other classmates who got into two of our state schools when mine was waitlisted. However I understand there was something beyond what I knew, that those univerties saw in those kids that allowed them get in! I just would never state that those kids couldnt compare to mine. That to me is just mean. We can be disappointed for our own, while not tearing down other kids who were accepted. But im moving on, I stated my peace, and so have you, we can agree to disagree.


I think sometimes letting the air out of the balloon can be cathartic so I would ask for a little grace here towards others Versus calling them a real piece of work


It’s been a crazy, unpredictable admissions cycle. I hope your DD has some other options she loves!!


3.9 UW
Deep ECs not Wide
School does not rank

Who is tearing anyone down. Just said the stats were lower. I agree it’s an all around thing. Talking about statistics only.


Agree, grace IS what should be shown in all instances, but I commented because it wasnt. Done.


When people start virtue signaling, you lose all sense of seeming graceful. So, if you have issue with people complaining about comparisons and think they are “pieces of work” you don’t exactly come off like an understanding graceful person either.

People should be able to wonder without being silenced just like you’re free to complain that they are “pieces of work”


Exactly! I agree with you. Life is not fair. Grow and learn to be resilient and set an example for your child. Keep your head up and look for opportunities instead of whining about others and attempting to tear them down because you are thin skinned and immature emotionally. Sometimes the truth hurts but it should be heard. It’s extremely tough for any of us as parents to see our child hurt and sad but that is a part of life and we as parents are needed more than ever during those times to help them find positive ways to handle disappointment and loss.