Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

I didn’t see anyone tearing anyone down. Just people wondering why one over another statistically.


Hang in there. You are obviously feeling some real pain for your daughter and I don’t blame you. Others attacking you and calling you names here certainly doesn’t help. I am sending you and your daughter big hugs. This has been a bit of a rocky road for a lot of us and there is nothing wrong with wondering “why not my daughter”. Hope she finds what she is looking for…


I don’t see where anyone
on this thread was “tearing down anyone”. I must have missed it. Or maybe they needed to exaggerate to try to get their point across.


Also, thank you. Was a blow for sure. They told them they had no shot of even being considered, so being waitlisted actually seems like a win.

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I love it… tell us how to think…name call and tell us the conversation is “done”


I feel like everyone should be able to speak their mind, but you’re right once the name calling starts, it’s too far. Better to have phrased it another way if it seemed like a necessity to point it out. Or better a gentle private message may have been more appropriate.

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I feel ya. My daughter’s stats were not as good as your’s. But she also put undeclared as second and was waitlisted. It’s disappointing, but she has better coping skills than I do. She’s okay with going to the other places she was accepted. She’s a tough cookie.


Thanks! We will find out which type of atmosphere she prefers. Good luck to you too

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Wish I could like this 10 times.


Has anyone received their Honors College decision?

looks like 30% of people who went on the waitlist last year were admitted. worth a try.


not yet, it says feb. 15

Still says feb 15 for honors
College, in state

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I wasn’t responding to you, so I’m not sure why you are responding and taking my comment personally. I don’t know what you previously shared here that you thought I was addressing you. I will say a student is not just a statistic. Each application and kid is unique, and something may have stood out that the AO liked. One can only control their actions. My response to another comment was that it’s more important now than ever to set a good example of resiliency. The truth is that whining and complaining is not attractive or constructive. If you want to take it personally, that is up to you, but my response was about parents complaining on these boards in general.

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Ah. I tried to send you a PM, but cannot. The reason I responded to you was that your comment was in response to someone who had in previous posts used the words “some of you parents are a piece of work” and attitude was “idiotic”. Since you said you agreed, I assumed you had read the previous posts. Since you seem to be unaware of those posts, I’ll assume you were only agreeing with the one.

I had been perplexed as to why some people which seemed to have lower stats (one I knew personally) were accepted over others who, on paper, had more going on. That got way blown out of proportion, probably because it was apparent that I was still dealing with the waitlist blowback and it came off emotional. However, that and similar comments from others, elicited the aforementioned comments of being pieces of work and the attitude being idiotic, which prompted a few contentious back and forth dialog with the person you agreed with.

Sorry for the long winded reply, just wanted to make clear I had assumed you had been aware of it, so when you agreed, I responded to you.

I agree with what you said, I don’t agree with the name calling, etc… that had gone on before it. Response withdrawn.

I hope that clears it up.

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My son was told he received a merit scholarship and we’d get more info in March, so don’t rule out that you won’t receive scholarships yet.

I was under the impression they do track interest.


in the admitted students portal under change major, it stated these were closed

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One of the biggest metrics (that schools track) is the % enrolled of the extended offers. When they’re looking applications aside from competitive aspects - will the S accept?

For the top 3 schools, visit as much as possible, do the zooms…AND open ALL of the emails and CLICK the links. This is demonstrated interest. They can track engagement rates. With all of the AI and machine learning- you bet this is an indicator.

Kids get overwhelmed w the junk emails but they NEED to watch for their top schools. Obviously, Duke, Stanford - not so much - but this is a controllable.

Finally, start this as early.


My daughter registered for a tour that she accessed through her “enrolling students portal,” but I am thinking it may be just a regular tour vs. an admitted student day. Can anyone confirm this? Also, does anyone know if they are planning to do actual admitted student days?

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