When you try to log into the portal or something. People are getting directed to IROAR so strange.
That sounds like an acceptance to me. IROAR is their onboarding portal. Sadly, my D is not getting that.
i wouldnt panic yet there is still plenty of time for them to update other portals
I wouldn’t think too much into it. I got accepted in November and it doesn’t prompt me to log into iRoar and I still can’t get in but I’ve already made account so that might be why
I don’t remember anyone who got in early mentioning anything about being directed to IRoar?!
Hopefully they release everything all at once.
My daughter just received a message that application is ready for review but when I open it says waiting decision. So maybe that means wait listed?
When did she get that email??
10:20 am. My son applied as well and nothing in his mailbox
Did they apply by the priority (early action) deadline? And do they differ in terms of stats?
Mine has not received any emails
We haven’t been able to get in all morning
Ugh this isn’t even mines first choice right now…why is this making me crazy other then finding this whole process so annoying lol
No, but with the portals glitching now amidst this mass release, it could point to acceptance for those who are being directed there.
Well no re-direct to iRoar for my son guess it is a reject… that is acceptance. He is going to be heartbroken… Guessing he should have went SAT optional instead of submitting a 1320. Although, his gpa is 3.97 and 4.77 when weighted.
Don’t panic yet. This is all speculation.
same clemson is too big for me but bc its my in state school im worried about not getting in bc its a good school to have if other options dont work.
My sons scores were better. Rolling admission. I can’t remember when they applied.
those are excellent stats! I don’t think you’ll have any issues getting in!