Clerical error in my final grade

The professors for one of my classes input the wrong final grade into the grade book and it is significantly impacting my GPA. In the class there were two grades the midterm and the final. I received a 96% on the midterm and a 99% on the final, however instead of having the A I had achieved in the class I was given a B- in the grade book. I have been in touch with the TA who has confirmed the error(I took ascreenshot of the emails in case I need them as evidence later), and has tried to help me by emailing the professor’s personal email account with no success. I’m really unsure of what to do at this point can anyone help me figure out what I should do?

Email the professor directly (if you haven’t done so already) and continue to stay in touch with the TA.

Was this a class that you just took this semester? It’s possible that the professor took off for vacation or research immediately after the semester and is currently unreachable. I agree - keep trying. Email them repeatedly, and don’t let this go.

Alternatively, if you don’t get a response from the professor within 2 weeks, I would suggest visiting the department chair or dean’s office. If your TA has confirmed that this is an error, and knows what the correct grade should be, this should be an easy fix - and the chair or dean may have more success getting in touch with the professor.