Clothes for tall-ish, thin guys?

S23 is ~6 feet tall. He likes to wear casual, athletic pants most of the time. I have to buy him size Large for the length, but they are really baggy all over and are so loose around the waist they completely fall off if they don’t have a tie.

For dressier pants I buy him a 32/34, because that is the only size they seem to make that comes somewhat close to what he needs. The 32 waist is definitely too big, probably at least 2 inches extra. If I don’t find a style labeled something like “super slim fit” the legs are ridiculously baggy on him. I think he needs something like a 30/35, which of course doesn’t exist.

Anyone have ideas for brands (or styles, or sizes) I could buy that might fit him? I’ve been thinking about sending him to college next year with no pants that actually fit him. :sob:

I sympathize ! My son is a 26/34 which is an impossible combination! But oldnavy online has 28/34 which he makes do with so they should hopefully have something that works for you. The in store selection is not as good.


My college senior wears 28 or 29x34’s. They have lots of young men’s sizing like this at American Eagle. I know he has dress clothes from Express Men, so they must have some slimmer sizing too.


My son is a 29 or 30 x36.

Old navy on line sometimes has pants that will work. Old Navy is owned by GAP, so you could look at all GAP stores as well. Jcpenney online sometimes has good sizes as well.

Old Navy does have a specific tall section, I don’t remember if JCP does or not.

We also found 3 pairs of jeans at a wrangler outlet store just before Christmas.

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My S23 is 6’2" and around 150/160 lbs (a very, very thin athlete with a small waist). He has found that the clothes at and run slim. Although he gets a Large in those brands, because they are slim-fitting, they work for him.

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We ususally buy my S pants at J Crew, they have a slim fit that is a little smaller in the waist. He is about 6’1" and 150 pounds and the 30/34 fits great
they are almost always on sale and come in tons of colors.|Smart_Shopping|Google|SS_ACQ_MPROD_CLOTHINGxxxxx_EVG_ROAS_XXX_COUSA_EN_EN_A_CREW_GO_SH_SSC_xxxxxxxxxx,shop_mens_x_xxx,PRODUCT_GROUP,71700000093098195,58700007780302468,p70929344548&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=SS_ACQ_MPROD_CLOTHINGxxxxx_EVG_ROAS_XXX_COUSA_EN_EN_A_CREW_GO_SH_SSC_xxxxxxxxxx,shop_mens_x_xxx&utm_content=shopping&NoPopUp=True&&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwocShBhCOARIsAFVYq0gEMh6bxLokaBWFT7bSOMu8b1f0vB44MnpSLqrxe3Ltq2nnUOpfWYEaAg-CEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


This is so helpful! Thank you!

I knew people must have answers because when I look around I see plenty of guys his age (like your kids it seems!) that are taller than him and thinner than him, and they aren’t swimming in their clothes like he is.

It sounds like I need to shop (or tell him to) at stores catering to a younger crowd. I’ve just been trying to pick up clothes for him when shopping for my husband or at Costco. Those guys have thicker waists than the young guys. :grin: I should have thought of that…

Lululemon pants. They should have the waist size and they hem so they should have what you are looking for.

Every young person I know who has them love them. My tall skinny nephew. My daughter’s short skinny fiancé. My not young and not skinny husband.

Expensive but magical pants


Yes, for dress clothes we have also had good luck at J Crew, and also Banana Republic usually has the slim fit options for dress clothes (not so great for casual, though).

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my short son loves them as does my tall but not so slim husband, my tall son refuses them because, well, he is 16 and they are lulu, ha!!

He will come to the dark side eventually :joy:.

My boys are built like this too. I order them Levi’s in 31/34. My youngest is going to need 31/36 soon. I do think lulu lemon could be promising for athletic pants, but obviously pricey.

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my 5’6" actor son loves them. they come in a shorter inseam and are perfect for acting class. I bet if I bought them for the younger one and didnt tell him how much they cost they would be his favorite too!

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Adidas also makes athletic pants that are slimmer fit. The soccer ones are better than the club fit ones.


No way have I told my husband how much they cost! There have to be some secrets :shushing_face:

My son has a bunch of these, they are great!

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We fully take advantage of the health care worker discount!

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Hmmm, would he prefer if they had the correct waist but were a little too short?

You may find that some of the brands listed here (30-31" waist, 34-36" inseam) may have the needed sizes:|31+Waist|Small%3Binseam-in%3A35|34|36

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My son is 6 ft 5 and 160 lbs. We buy him athletic and casual pants from Lululemon. Only ones that work for him. They are expensive, but now that he is 19 and we are fairly certain he won’t grow much more, it’s worth the investment. We used to be able to find tall sizes in adidas sweatpants that worked for him, but haven’t been able to find them recently.


If he goes to University of Hawaii, he may only need shorts.