<p>California daughter is heading to Willamette in August. Her entire wardrobe consists of jeans, T's and hoodies, with flip flops and vans for footwear. Can someone with knowledge of what girls wear on campus help me out? I am thinking a raincoat is a must, But do any of the girls wear actual rain boots? Are umbrellas uncool? Are there occasions where pants other than jeans are necessary? A skirt or dress? She is not averse to dressing differently, but shopping is a dreaded activity so she just goes with her spartan wardrobe.</p>
<p>When we were there in April I thought it was rather chilly, but saw several young ladies in skirts and sandals. Since my daughter is very petite and often needs alterations, I want to send her with everything she might need for various events. I can't imagine her finding dress pants off the rack in Salem.</p>
<p>Parent of D who just graduated here - no rainboots, umbrella or raincoat necessary (probably would not ever be worn/used). D wore jeans, other pants, skirt on occasion. There are dressup options (parties) and saw lots of pictures of her in pretty fancy dresses and heels for these. There are tons of stores in Salem as well as small people so I think she would be able to find something in one of them. Plus there is a lot of sharing. Hoodies are a must. Whatever she may be missing from her wardrobe she can probably do without till the breaks and/or buy there. Hope she likes it - my D is still up there and has no intention of returning home.</p>
<p>Thank you csleslie. That is just the kind of info I was looking for. I do find it hard to believe that raincoats won’t be needed. It seems to be raining all the time up there. Then again, my daughter doesn’t wear them here either, so I guess it is not realistic to think she will start in the fall.</p>
<p>^^ Good info! As a Californian, I once took an umbrella to Seattle and everyone thought I was ridiculous for actually using it when it rained. So…I’ve been wondering about Oregon. It’s the same in Ireland; you’re viewed as sort of a wimp if you can’t handle a little precipitation.</p>
<p>I have a question about formal wear. My son has attended every dance/prom/formal in high school, and we’ve always just rented. But I’d rather just buy him something to take to college. When my daughter went off to MIT, I was surprised to learn there are many parties during the year when students dress formally; she ended up needing several formal dresses and one floor-length gown. Yikes! </p>
<p>Cleslie51, could you do me a great favor? Could you please take another look at your daughter’s photos and let me know what the guys are wearing? I’m wondering if khaki pants and a navy sportcoat and tie would do at Willamette, or whether he’ll need a tux.</p>
<p>CalAlum - I will do one better and ask her. I know Willamette does have some formal functions throughout the year. D knew several guys in a fraternity and they had them as well. Yes, it does seem to rain there a lot. H and I visited over spring break and graduation and it was beautiful and sunny when we were there and then commenced to pour after we left, much to her dismay. Still, I think raincoats were a rarity.
It’s a great school. Hope your kids get to love it.</p>
<p>CalAlum and kelliebeff, This is the answer I got from my D:
"I would say a definite no on the tux. The only time that might be remotely close to “needed” would be for the winter dance the school puts on but I feel like that would even be over dressed. Khakis or nice dark slacks & a blazer would definitely be enough.
Most of the times girls & guys dress up are for greek date-functions. Or girls if they are going to a party & want to feel like it’s Hollywood party where people actually get dressed up 
As far as to class goes, I definitely wore a lot of jeans & hoodies too… or basketball shorts or sweats. Some people wear pj’s. But sometimes we just dress nicely for fun…
Some people wear rainboots (girls) I think as a sort of fashion thing but no one wears raincoats… The North Face/Columbia waterproof shells are really big up here tho. [[People at this school can afford them]] ;)</p>
<p>Basically anything goes here. There was a guy who wore a trench coat and rollerblades a couple years ago (he was a little odd tho) 
It’s just whatever’s comfortable. If you’re dressed up people will ask you why but all you have to do is say you felt like dressing nicely that day- no one will make fun of you for what you wear.</p>
<p>If you pass along suggestions just make sure they know that it is cooler and wet a lot of the time so jackets/sweatshirts/hoods and long pants are staples.
<p>Thank you! Incredibly helpful.
<p>Just noticed your location, a fellow New Mexican</p>
<p>csleslie, thank you again for checking with your daughter. That was very helpful info. If I could trouble you with another question: during Opening Days, I see Opening Convocation on Friday morning and a Matriculation Ceremony on Friday evening. Any idea what the kids wear to those?</p>
<p>kellibeff - I attended opening days with my daughter. Kids wore nothing special, just what they usually would - jeans, shorts (it was beautiful weather then), tee shirts, etc. Even the parents were casual.
swdad1 - yep and I think my daughter has become a transplant. Son too - he attended Humboldt State and has not returned to live since his freshman year (graduated in 08). D still hates the rain but loves the people there.</p>
<p>Thank you again csleslie. I am thinking her california wardrobe will be just fine. I hope you check in here once in a while, even though your daughter has graduated. I am sure to have questions in the fall.</p>
<p>For all willamette parents, be sure you join the willamette parent network. [Willamette</a> University – Parent Relations:Parents Network](<a href=“http://willamette.edu/parents/resources/network.html]Willamette”>http://willamette.edu/parents/resources/network.html)
It is a great way to get information from other parents. They didn’t have it when my daughter started but my son’s school did so I continued to badger them till they started one at WU as well. ;)</p>