clubbing near ucla

<p>hey guys, im a freshman at ucla and ive only been to cinescape in hollywood. it was cool but the thing is theres so many black people there ( no offense) so i stick out like a sore thumb.</p>

<p>do u guys know if there are any clubs near ucla that are like asian? or at least not predominantly black? thanks! and if there arent what do u think are the best clubs to go to??</p>

<p>check out nsu aca and those other azn orgs on campus. theyre usually hosting some sort of clubbing event whatevs with lots of asians </p>

<p>nsu just had meltdown for example ~~</p>

<p>i wanna go clubbing too
prefer asians as well!</p>

<p>just go when an asian org. hosts a clubbing event. could be at any venue</p>

<p>level 3, fu’s palace, cinespace, sugar, …</p>

<p>@emm: how was meltdown, haha :rolleyes:</p>

<p>she didn’t go
i took her tickets instead :P</p>

<p>ive been to sugar and fu’s… umm… clubbing isnt my thing. . . people wanted me to go… so i gave it to frencharmy =P</p>