Clubs and Groups at Barnard

On their website, I can find a list of clubs and student groups, but no descriptions. Does anyone know how I can find anything of this sort?

(For the “Why us?” essay)

If you don’t know anything about a particular club or student group how can it be the ‘why us’ reason that you particularly want this college?

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Because I am looking for specifics; I remember there being a few that stood out to me, but that was a few years ago. I recall how I felt at Barnard, but, with any “Why us?” essay, it is beneficial to bring up specific details.

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It might be easier, if you knew of specific areas of interest.

I suspect that some clubs are more active, and are more efficient in providing a description, while others might be more informal (e.g., you’ll find out when you go to a club fare, or they only provide a contact email address).

But I know there are some that are real “producers”, yet don’t seem to appear on any listing: